Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Legislation Referred To Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB3 Lippincott Referral Change provisions relating to selection of presidential electors
LB19 Cavanaugh, J. Referral Change provisions relating to elections for cities of the metropolitan class
LB29 Conrad Referral Create a review process for agency rules and regulations
LB32 Hunt Referral Change provisions relating to disclaimers on political advertisements
LB34 Hunt General File Provide for year-round daylight saving time
LB58 Sanders Final Reading Eliminate provisions relating to jeweler’s liens
LB59 Sanders Select File Provide for the disbursement of funds of a natural resources district by electronic payment systems
LB69 Spivey Referral Change meeting requirements and provide duties for the Commission on African American Affairs
LB74 Hunt Referral Authorize certain expenditures under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB89 Kauth Referral Adopt the Stand With Women Act
LB123 Sanders General File Change provisions relating to withholding money due to noncompliance with budget limits and annual audits for certain political subdivisions
LB126 Holdcroft Final Reading Change provisions relating to redemption of bonds of political subdivisions
LB135 Holdcroft Referral Provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to elections for certain purposes related to bonds and tax levies
LB166 Hughes Referral Require the county treasurer to maintain confidentiality of certain persons' residential addresses
LB180 Clouse Select File Change requirements for public lettings and biddings and provide an exception for the Department of Natural Resources under the State Procurement Act
LB183 DeKay Referral Change provisions relating to the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act
LB193 Andersen Referral Change provisions relating to the Committee on Pacific Conflict
LB218 Fredrickson Referral Change provisions relating to voter registration
LB224 Guereca Referral Require paid maternity leave for state employees
LB233 Conrad Referral Require coverage for in vitro fertilization for state employees under the Nebraska State Insurance Program
LB237 Cavanaugh, M. Referral Permit counties to conduct elections by mail
LB238 Cavanaugh, M. Referral Exempt local foster care review boards from the Open Meetings Act and eliminate obsolete provisions regarding an advisory group
LB243 Sanders Referral Change provisions relating to sidewalk assessments by county governments
LB244 Sanders Referral Restate findings under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB259 Lippincott Referral Adopt the Faithful Delegate to Federal Article V Convention Act
LB266 Dover Referral Prohibit political subdivisions from enacting ordinances which have the effect of imposing rent controls on private property
LB294 Storer General File Change provisions relating to grants from the County Visitors Improvement Fund
LB302 Murman General File Eliminate daylight saving time
LB334 Hughes Referral Provide for confidentiality of certain candidate filing form information for judges filing for retention
LB345 Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Referral Change salaries of constitutional officers
LB346 Arch Referral Change qualifications of the State Capitol Administrator, provide for termination of boards, commissions, committees, councils, funds, panels, task forces, the Conservation Corporation Act, and the Nebraska Potato Development Act, and change and eliminate funds and powers and duties of departments and agencies
LB373 Hansen General File Change provisions relating to section lines and vacation or abandonment of public roads
LB403 Spivey Referral Create the Office of Grants and provide duties
LB414 Dungan Referral Establish a suicide mortality review team for the Department of Veterans' Affairs
LB419 Lonowski Referral Change provisions relating to admission to veterans homes and veterans aid
LB434 Wordekemper Referral Change fees for fireworks display permits, fireworks sales licenses, fire alarm inspector certification, late submittal of remodel or construction plans, fire safety inspections, fire protection system contractor certificates, heating oil tank registration, and underground storage tank installation permits and registration
LB445 von Gillern Referral Adopt the State Building Construction Alternatives Act and change and eliminate provisions regarding planning, bidding, construction, and procurement of art for state buildings
LB472 McKeon Referral Adopt the Regulatory Management Act
LB487 McKinney Referral Adopt the Restitution and Redress for Redlining Task Force Act
LB508 Hunt Referral Change provisions relating to the deployment of the Nebraska National Guard and require the Governor to review current deployments
LB521 Sanders Referral Change and eliminate provisions relating to the Election Act
LB529 Jacobson Referral Provide certain exemptions relating to contracts for the Nebraska Investment Council under the State Procurement Act and the Taxpayer Transparency Act
LB541 Holdcroft Referral Eliminate online voter registration, restrict voter registration by mail, require grounds for early voting, require hand counts of ballots, and change provisions relating to voter registration and voting
LB546 Rountree Referral Change provisions relating to proclamations for disasters, emergencies, and civil defense emergencies made by the Governor
LB560 Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to innovative tourism grants
LB565 Quick Referral Provide and change requirements relating to agency guidance documents
LB574 Rountree Withdrawn Provide rights for firefighters
LB586 Spivey Referral Provide assistance for voters who are unable to vote in person and who are residents of or housed in certain facilities
LB596 Sanders Referral Change requirements for legal publications and notices required by law
LB604 Storm Referral Change provisions regarding initiative and referendum petitions
LB615 Cavanaugh, J. Referral Prohibit distributing deepfakes under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB629 Hardin Referral Adopt the County Initiative and Referendum Act
LB636 Ibach Referral Change provisions relating to fees allowed for sheriffs and provide for reimbursement to counties for medical services for jail inmates
LB644 Bostar Referral Adopt the Foreign Adversary and Terrorist Agent Registration Act and the Crush Transnational Repression in Nebraska Act, provide requirements under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act for conduct relating to certain foreign entities, change provisions of the Foreign Adversary Contracting Prohibition Act, and regulate storage and remote access of genetic sequencing data
LB659 Andersen Referral Change provisions relating to vote counting devices under the Election Act
LB660 Andersen Referral Adopt the Secure Drone Purchasing Act
LB662 Andersen Referral Provide for a federal funding inventory from each state agency and restrict maintenance-of-effort requirements
LB663 Storer Referral Provide for required education for members of county planning commissions and county boards and change provisions relating to conditional use or special exception determinations by county planning commissions and county boards
LB664 Storer Referral Change the Administrative Procedure Act to require agencies to allow for public comment and submissions on proposed rules and regulations and change permissible venue for civil actions challenging rules and regulations
LB672 Raybould Referral Provide a contribution limit for candidate committees under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB693 McKeon Referral Prohibit as a deceptive trade practice certain conduct relating to assistance or referrals in veterans benefits matters
LB696 Raybould Referral Change, provide, and eliminate provisions of the Professional Landscape Architects Act
LB703 McKinney Referral Provide for an exchange program for the Commission on African American Affairs
LR14 Lippincott Referral Resolution to rescind a prior resolution and apply to Congress for a convention of the states to propose amendments to the United States Constitution
LR16CA Urban Affairs Committee Referral Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to reimburse political subdivisions
LR18CA Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Referral Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to reimburse political subdivisions
LR21 Lippincott Referral Application to Congress for a convention of the states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to set a limit on the number of terms members of the House and Senate may serve
LR23CA Sanders Referral Constitutional amendment to change the deadline to file initiative and referendum petitions
LR24CA Dorn Referral Constitutional amendment to provide for selection of presidential electors
LR29 Holdcroft Referral Provide that the new prison facility be named as the Arbor Correctional Center
LR33 Conrad Referral Recommend that the Nebraska Congressional delegation take affirmative action to reform the present approach to daylight saving time