Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Jacobson, 42 in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB37 Sen Jacobson Referral Adopt the Railroad Safety Act
LB38 Sen Jacobson E and R Engrossing Change provisions of the Geologists Regulation Act
LB39 Sen Jacobson Referral Change provisions relating to the board of directors of a bank
LB40 Sen Jacobson Referral Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act
LB108 Sen Jacobson E and R Engrossing Change contributions provisions under the Cities of the First Class Firefighters Retirement Act
LB240 Sen Jacobson E and R Initial Change certain notice provisions under the Community Development Law
LB250 Sen Jacobson Select File Change provisions relating to qualifications of the board of directors of a bank
LB251 Sen Jacobson Select File Adopt changes to federal law regarding banking and finance and change provisions regarding loan limits, branch banking, failing financial institutions, credit unions, surety bonds, and interest rates for damages payable to irrigation districts
LB325 Sen Jacobson General File Change provisions relating to qualifications and requirements for the board of directors of an insurance corporation
LB326 Sen Jacobson Referral Change provisions relating to the Unfair Insurance Trade Practices Act, the Nebraska Property and Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Act, and mutual insurance holding companies and eliminate the provisions of the Health Insurance Access Act and the Health Care Purchasing Pool Act
LB525 Sen Jacobson Referral Adopt the Agricultural Data Privacy Act
LB526 Sen Jacobson Referral Provide for an excise tax on cryptocurrency mining and allow public power districts to require payments or letters of credit from cryptocurrency mining operations for certain infrastructure upgrades
LB527 Sen Jacobson E and R Initial Adopt the Medicaid Access and Quality Act, redefine health benefit plan under the Nebraska Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Act, and change provisions relating to taxes on health maintenance organizations, prepaid limited health service organizations, and insurance companies
LB528 Sen Jacobson Referral Change and eliminate provisions relating to grants from the State Department of Education Improvement Grant Fund
LB529 Sen Jacobson Referral Provide certain exemptions relating to contracts for the Nebraska Investment Council under the State Procurement Act and the Taxpayer Transparency Act