Search Laws
Last updated September 3, 2024
To perform a keyword search of Nebraska laws, enter a search term in the keyword field on the left. The drop down list provides the ability to limit searches to specific portions of the laws.
To browse an individual portion of the laws, use the links at the bottom of the page.
To find a specific statute put quotes around the statute number. For example "2-106". Or use the Search by Statute Range below.
To search a range of statutes, enter the beginning and ending statute numbers in the range fields. For example, enter 2-106 in the Beginning Section field and enter 2-110 in the Ending Section field to return all statutes within that range.
To find a specific statute, just enter the statute number in the beginning section field and leave the ending section blank.
Books for Download
As volumes are reissued and supplements issued, they will be made available in PDF format for purposes of downloading and printing.
Books for Purchase
Statute books may be purchased from the State Library by contacting them as indicated below:
Room 325State Capitol
P.O. Box 98931
Lincoln, NE 68509-8931
Phone: (402) 471-3189
Fax: (402) 471-1011
State Library Email