Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Hardin, 48 in the 109th Legislature

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB81 Sen Hardin Referral Define a term and change tax credit provisions under the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB118 Sen Hardin E and R Initial Change supervising authority for a pharmacist
LB119 Sen Hardin Referral Provide requirements for the Rural Health Opportunity Program and provide tuition waivers
LB120 Sen Hardin Referral Provide an exception regarding release of a digital image under the Motor Vehicle Operator’s License Act
LB121 Sen Hardin Referral Prohibit land disposal of solar panels and wind turbine blades and the component parts of solar panels and wind turbine blades
LB154 Sen Hardin Referral Change provisions relating to hearing instrument specialists
LB155 Sen Hardin Referral Allow the use of deadly force without retreating when lawfully present in a motor vehicle
LB168 Sen Hardin General File Adopt the 340B Contract Pharmacy Protection Act
LB172 Sen Hardin Referral Prohibit conduct involving computer-generated child pornography
LB331 Sen Hardin Withdrawn Adopt the Nebraska EPIC Option Consumption Tax Act and terminate tax provisions
LB332 Sen Hardin Referral Require medicaid coverage for psychology services provided by certain practitioners
LB333 Sen Hardin Referral Change provisions of the Motor Vehicle Operator’s License Act relating to hazardous materials endorsements
LB538 Sen Hardin Referral Require school boards and postsecondary educational institutions to adopt a policy and provide training relating to discrimination and antisemitism and provide for Title VI coordinators
LB539 Sen Hardin Referral Change and eliminate provisions relating to handgun purchase requirements
LB629 Sen Hardin Referral Adopt the County Initiative and Referendum Act
LB678 Sen Hardin Referral State intent regarding appropriations to the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges
LR10CA Sen Hardin Withdrawn Constitutional amendment to require the state to impose a consumption tax or an excise tax on all new goods and services and to provide a tax exemption for grocery items
LR11CA Sen Hardin Withdrawn Constitutional amendment to prohibit governmental entities from imposing any taxes other than retail consumption taxes and excise taxes