Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Dungan, 26 in the 109th Legislature

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB8 Sen Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to the tax credits under the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Tax Credit Act
LB12 Sen Dungan Referral Change the statute of limitations on certain civil actions for sexual assault of a child
LB15 Sen Dungan Referral State intent regarding appropriations for interpreter services for the Supreme Court
LB22 Sen Dungan E and R Initial Require the Department of Health and Human Services to file a state plan amendment for evidenced-based nurse home-visitation services
LB93 Sen Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to discovery of information contained in electronic devices and to expert witnesses in criminal cases
LB96 Sen Dungan Referral Require the Department of Health and Human Services to file certain 1115 waivers
LB101 Sen Dungan Referral Provide a right to trial by jury under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
LB130 Sen Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to General Fund net receipts and transfers to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB137 Sen Dungan Referral Prohibit certain restrictions on solar energy devices and pollinator gardens and provide a cause of action
LB139 Sen Dungan Select File Change provisions relating to the Real Property Appraiser Act and the Nebraska Appraisal Management Company Registration Act
LB219 Sen Dungan Referral Remove a requirement for a minimum term of post-release supervision for Class III and IIIA felonies
LB272 Sen Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for certain disabled veterans and surviving spouses
LB408 Sen Dungan Referral Adopt the Special Education Teacher Forgivable Loan Program Act
LB411 Sen Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act
LB414 Sen Dungan Referral Establish a suicide mortality review team for the Department of Veterans' Affairs
LB416 Sen Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to releases, covenants not to sue, or similar agreements on joint and several liability
LB444 Sen Dungan Referral Require certain minimum uninsured and underinsured insurance coverage for certain motor carriers
LB448 Sen Dungan Referral Provide for postconviction relief for a claim of actual innocence, change provisions relating to time limitations, required disclosures, and procedural defaults, and name the Postconviction Relief Act
LB560 Sen Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to innovative tourism grants
LR22CA Sen Dungan Referral Constitutional amendment to provide the right to a clean and healthy natural environment and that the state and political subdivisions serve as trustee of the natural resources of Nebraska