Hearings for Judiciary Committee

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Date: Friday August 02, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB25
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Adopt the Prison Population Reduction and Property Tax Relief Act and provide for early discharge from parole and for recommendations for commutations of certain sentences
Document: LB57
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Allow claims involving death, child abuse, or sexual assault of a child under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act and State Tort Claims Act and change provisions of the Consumer Protection Act and Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act relating to civil penalties
Document: LB52
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Adopt the Cannabis Control Act and the Cannabis Conviction Clean Slate Act
Note: Joint Hearing with LB 71
Document: LB71
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Adopt the Nebraska Cannabis Legalization and Revenue Allocation Act and the Cannabis Conviction Relief Act
Note: Joint Hearing with LB 52
Date: Thursday August 01, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB59
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Provide for reports to the Judiciary Committee on the use of taxes in the judicial system
Document: LB46
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Provide for transfer of duties of clerks of the district court to clerk magistrates
Document: LB53
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Provide powers and duties for the Jail Standards Board for reimbursement of counties for jail expenses
Document: LB54
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Provide for powers and duties of county attorneys and deputy county attorneys in certain counties to be performed by district attorneys and deputy district attorneys appointed by the Attorney General
Date: Thursday February 29, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1185
Introducer: Lowe
Description: Change the offense of obstructing a peace officer
Document: LB1224
Introducer: Day
Description: Prohibit certain conduct relating to mobile tracking devices and change provisions relating to intercepted communications
Document: LB1357
Introducer: McDonnell
Description: Prohibit camping on certain property owned by political subdivisions
Document: LB974
Introducer: Holdcroft
Description: Change penalties for motor vehicle homicide of an unborn child
Document: LB1156
Introducer: Holdcroft
Description: Require registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act for certain solicitation and trafficking offenses
Date: Wednesday February 28, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB967
Introducer: DeKay
Description: Change provisions relating to trafficking offenses and the Human Trafficking Victim Assistance Fund
Document: LR277CA
Introducer: Sanders
Description: Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to enact laws providing for life imprisonment for sex or labor trafficking of a minor and certain sex offenses involving minors
Document: LR279CA
Introducer: Holdcroft
Description: Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to enact laws providing for a minimum term of life imprisonment for certain offenses against first responders
Document: LB980
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Change provisions relating to persons present when the death penalty is carried out
Document: LB970
Introducer: Lippincott
Description: Provide for carrying out the death penalty by nitrogen hypoxia
Date: Friday February 23, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: AM2534
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Amending LB253
Document: LB1281
Introducer: McDonnell
Description: Change provisions relating to when a juvenile detained or placed in an alternative to detention must be released
Document: LB1282
Introducer: McDonnell
Description: Provide for youth renewal centers for high-risk youth
Document: LB1208
Introducer: Bosn
Description: Allow for detention of juveniles under the Nebraska Juvenile Code for their own protection
Document: LB1157
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Require hearings regarding juveniles in detention in certain counties and require payment of certain costs by the Office of Probation Administration
Document: LB890
Introducer: Bosn
Description: Provide for certified copies of sealed juvenile records for certain attorneys
Document: LB1057
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Change provisions relating to arraignments, filing of juvenile petitions, and jurisdiction of juvenile courts
Date: Thursday February 22, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1109
Introducer: Riepe
Description: Provide an exception under the Preborn Child Protection Act to allow an abortion after twelve weeks in the case of a fatal fetal anomaly and change and eliminate certain penalty provisions relating to abortions
Document: LB1360
Introducer: McDonnell
Description: Create the Court Security and Service Reimbursement Program
Document: LB1021
Introducer: Cavanaugh, M.
Description: Require programs for inmates related to compensation and employment and require minimum wage for inmates of jails and Department of Correctional Services facilities and state and political subdivision employees
Document: LB883
Introducer: Brewer
Description: Eliminate a requirement to obtain a handgun purchase certificate and change provisions on criminal history record checks for firearms and explosives
Document: LB921
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Provide for mentorship programs for individuals under supervision by probation and parole officers
Document: LB919
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Require the demolition of the Nebraska State Penitentiary
Date: Thursday February 22, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:00 PM
Document: Appointment
Description: Jones, Michael D. - Crime Victim's Reparations Committee
Document: Appointment
Description: Tuma, Bryan - Nebraska Crime Commission
Document: Appointment
Description: Gissler, Layne - Board of Parole
Date: Wednesday February 21, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1092
Introducer: Murman
Description: Adopt the Online Age Verification Liability Act
Document: LB916
Introducer: Brewer
Description: Adopt the Controlled Substance Offenses Forfeiture Act and change provisions relating to forfeiture
Document: LB1161
Introducer: Dungan
Description: Adopt the Consumer and Employment Arbitration Data Reporting Act
Document: LB1071
Introducer: Dungan
Description: Protect free speech rights of student journalists and student media advisers
Document: LB922
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Adopt the Parolee and Probationer Business Empowerment Act
Document: LB978
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Provide for adoption by a second adult person and change provisions relating to adoptions
Date: Wednesday February 21, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:00 PM
Document: Appointment
Description: Brazda, John - Crime Victim's Reparations Committee
Document: Appointment
Description: Ames, Ann E. - Crime Victim's Reparations Committee
Date: Thursday February 15, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1202
Introducer: Halloran
Description: Change a requirement for the Title IV-D Division Customer Service Unit of the Department of Health and Human Services
Document: LB1222
Introducer: Day
Description: Change provisions relating to termination of parental rights and parental support
Document: LB1334
Introducer: Cavanaugh, J.
Description: Change provisions relating to probation and waiver of probation fees
Document: LB1089
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Exempt individuals under nineteen years of age from payment of certain court costs and fees and change provisions of the Nebraska Juvenile Code
Document: LB1051
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Eliminate obsolete provisions and reorganize provisions of the Nebraska Juvenile Code and change certain filing deadlines
Document: LB911
Introducer: Blood
Description: Require the Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Probation Administration to make reports under the Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Act
Document: LB923
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Allow the use of tribal enrollment cards for proof of age and identity for certain firearm and alcohol laws
Date: Wednesday February 14, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1096
Introducer: Armendariz
Description: Provide that certain conduct relating to depictions of sexually explicit or obscene material or material harmful to minors is a deceptive trade practice under the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act
Document: LB928
Introducer: Fredrickson
Description: Provide for the appointment of a mental health director for the Department of Correctional Services
Document: LB1351
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Change terminology and eliminate obsolete provisions relating to correctional services
Document: LB979
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Require an annual report on active cases by the Department of Correctional Services, the Office of Probation Administration, and the Division of Parole Supervision
Document: LB1126
Introducer: Bosn
Description: Create the National Career Readiness Certificate Pilot Program within the Department of Correctional Services
Document: LB1145
Introducer: Bosn
Description: Transfer the Division of Parole Supervision to the Department of Correctional Services and change provisions relating to the release of certain prisoners
Date: Thursday February 08, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1123
Introducer: Dungan
Description: Provide for postconviction relief for a claim of actual innocence and for exceptions from time limitations and procedural defaults
Document: LB1045
Introducer: Cavanaugh, J.
Description: Prohibit use of peremptory challenges against jurors based on membership in certain groups
Document: LB983
Introducer: Cavanaugh, J.
Description: Provide for duties and procedures relating to plea agreements and sentencing
Document: LB1269
Introducer: Hardin
Description: Change provisions relating to the duty to retreat when using force in self-defense or defense of another and provide for criminal and civil immunity
Document: LB934
Introducer: Bosn
Description: Change provisions of the Consumer Protection Act and the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act
Document: LB1098
Introducer: DeKay
Description: Adopt the Protection Orders Act
Document: LB1097
Introducer: DeKay
Description: Change provisions relating to commitment of mentally incompetent defendants
Document: LR280CA
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Constitutional amendment to remove the Attorney General and the Secretary of State from the Board of Pardons
Date: Wednesday February 07, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB876
Introducer: Holdcroft
Description: Adopt the Newborn Safe Haven Act
Document: LB1195
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Provide requirements for grants awarded by the Commission on Public Advocacy and thirty-party guarantees under the Assisted-Living Facility Act, change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for judgment liens and executions, the Nebraska Probate Code, the Nebraska Uniform Trust Code, the Nebraska Uniform Power of Attorney Act, and the Nebraska Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, and authorize acceptance of cession or retrocession of federal jurisdiction for juvenile matters
Document: LB963
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Provide for powers and duties of county attorneys and deputy county attorneys to be performed by district attorneys and deputy district attorneys appointed by the Attorney General
Document: LB996
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Provide for the Department of Correctional Services to operate the county jails
Document: LB894
Introducer: Ibach
Description: Change provisions relating to election, appointment, qualifications, and training of county sheriffs
Document: LB898
Introducer: Ibach
Description: Adopt the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact
Document: LB918
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Allow individuals with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status to receive law enforcement officer training and certification
Date: Friday February 02, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1366
Introducer: Cavanaugh, J.
Description: Change provisions relating to the use of eminent domain
Document: LB1267
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Adopt the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act and eliminate provisions relating to actions involving public petition and participation
Document: LB1192
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Change provisions of the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act and the State Tort Claims Act to allow certain claims by prisoners, detainees, and children in the custody, care, or control of a government entity
Document: LB1292
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Change provisions relating to standing to file a petition for a declaratory judgment
Document: LB1265
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Change provisions relating to grants for providers of free civil legal services
Date: Thursday February 01, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1288
Introducer: Raybould
Description: Provide for use of tribal enrollment cards for certain firearm and alcohol laws, provide for recognition of tribal mental health and dangerous sex offender commitment orders, and provide for transportation and commitment of persons civilly committed under tribal law
Document: LB972
Introducer: Lippincott
Description: Prohibit kratom as a controlled substance
Document: LB892
Introducer: Bosn
Description: Change provisions relating to controlled substances under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act
Document: LB999
Introducer: Ibach
Description: Change provisions of the Nebraska Hemp Farming Act and the Uniform Controlled Substances Act
Document: LB1167
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Change provisions relating to individuals arrested without a warrant
Document: LB1044
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Create a task force to study reparations for slavery and change permitted uses of a tax imposed on marijuana
Date: Wednesday January 31, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB846
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Adopt the Bed Bug Detection and Treatment Act
Document: LB845
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Prohibit eviction of certain tenants during the school year
Document: LB1115
Introducer: Dungan
Description: Provide a right to a trial by jury under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
Document: LB1312
Introducer: Dover
Description: Provide for electronic notices by landlords under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act and the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Act
Document: LB884
Introducer: Bostar
Description: Change provisions relating to medicaid estate recovery
Document: LB902
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Prohibit assisted-living facilities from requiring a third-party guarantee of payment
Document: LB1168
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Adopt the Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act
Date: Friday January 26, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB870
Introducer: Cavanaugh, M.
Description: Provide for additional rights of notification, information, and preservation of evidence under the Sexual Assault Victims' Bill of Rights Act
Document: LB1159
Introducer: Ibach
Description: Provide additional offenses for which notification to crime victims is required as prescribed
Document: LB977
Introducer: Blood
Description: Prohibit discrimination based on military or veteran status
Document: LB995
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Change provisions relating to deferred judgments
Document: LB1236
Introducer: Wayne
Description: Change the termination date of the Nebraska Sentencing Reform Task Force
Date: Thursday January 25, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB914
Introducer: Cavanaugh, J.
Description: Adopt the Uniform Unlawful Restrictions in Land Records Act
Document: LB1119
Introducer: Dungan
Description: Provide restrictions on regulation by homeowner's associations and similar associations of solar energy and wind energy devices and provide for a civil cause of action
Document: LB886
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Provide restrictions on the regulation of political signs by homeowners associations
Document: LB1268
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for purposes of judgment liens and execution or forced sale
Document: LB1220
Introducer: Bosn
Description: Change provisions relating to decedents' estates, transfers to minors, protected persons, powers of attorney for health care, trusts, and powers of attorney
Date: Wednesday January 24, 2024
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB945
Introducer: Hughes
Description: Require certain documents, information, and materials be provided to children before leaving foster care
Document: LB959
Introducer: Dungan
Description: Require transfer of cases to juvenile court if a county or district court fails to rule on a motion to transfer within thirty days
Document: LB832
Introducer: Blood
Description: Authorize acceptance of cession or retrocession of federal jurisdiction for juvenile matters and provide for concurrent jurisdiction
Document: LB976
Introducer: Blood
Description: Provide for an education and training program for judges and court staff
Document: LB1085
Introducer: Holdcroft
Description: Change provisions relating to the number of separate juvenile court judges