Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for DeBoer, 10 in the 109th Legislature
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB65 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Exempt individuals under nineteen years of age from payment of certain court costs and fees and change provisions of the Nebraska Juvenile Code |
LB66 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Adopt the Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act |
LB70 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Provide for adoption by a second adult person and change provisions relating to adoptions |
LB71 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Change requirements for child care reimbursement rates |
LB85 | Sen DeBoer | E and R Engrossing | Change requirements for collection of personal property of decedents' estates by affidavit |
LB103 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Change Nebraska Evidence Rules to prohibit questions relating to past sexual behavior or sexual assaults in pretrial proceedings |
LB227 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Change provisions relating to authorization to operate for certain motor carriers |
LB304 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Eliminate a sunset date for the federal Child Care Subsidy program |
LB311 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Change provisions relating to nonregulated activities under the Nebraska Telecommunications Regulation Act |
LB362 | Sen DeBoer | Select File | Transfer and eliminate provisions of the Emergency Telephone Communications Systems Act and the Enhanced Wireless 911 Services Act and change provisions of the 911 Service System Act |
LB371 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Provide liability for computer-generated images under the Uniform Civil Remedies for Unauthorized Disclosure of Intimate Images Act |
LB388 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Change provisions relating to judicial nominating commissions |
LB453 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Change requirements for background checks for guardians and conservators |
LB499 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Change membership provisions relating to the Crime Victim's Reparations Committee |
LB500 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Create the School Financing Review Commission |
LB597 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Change provisions relating to foundation aid, local effort rate yield, adjusted valuations of property, and certification dates under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act |
LB598 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Provide funding to school districts to cover extraordinary increases in limited English proficiency student expenditures, change provisions relating to the elementary site allowance and certification dates under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and reimbursement for special education programs and support services, and change eligible uses of the Education Future Fund |
LB599 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Require the State Board of Education to adopt a policy relating to cybersecurity |
LB600 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Rules of the Road and the Automatic License Plate Reader Privacy Act |
LB601 | Sen DeBoer | Referral | Clarify provisions relating to motions for a new trial in a criminal case |