Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Harms, 48 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB20 101 Sen Harms Passed Change provisions of the Access College Early Scholarship Program Act
LB21 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Rename and change provisions of the Nebraska Scholarship Act
LB35 102 Sen Harms Passed Change oversize vehicle permit provisions and exceptions for towing disabled vehicles
LB36 102 Sen Harms Passed Provide for a vote regarding adding fluoride to the drinking water supply
LB37 102 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for access to information for government audits
LB39 103 Sen Harms Passed Change and eliminate references to the Legislative Performance Audit Section
LB40 103 Sen Harms Passed Update references to Government Auditing Standards
LB58 100 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Increase the probationary period of community college staff
LB106 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the requirement that occupant protection system laws be enforced as a secondary action
LB116 103 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for dual-enrollment courses
LB117 103 Sen Harms Passed Change provisions relating to permits for overweight vehicles
LB118 103 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Change texting enforcement provisions
LB122 102 Sen Harms Passed Rename an educational telecommunications building
LB189 103 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to occupant protection systems
LB190 103 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund
LB192 100 Sen Harms Final Reading Adopt the Access College Early Scholarship Program Act and eliminate the Community Scholarship Foundation Program Act
LB240 103 Sen Harms Passed Change work activity requirements for self-sufficiency contracts under the Welfare Reform Act
LB255 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Require lap-shoulder belts in school buses
LB256 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Game and Parks Commission
LB257 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the Seamless Delivery System Pilot Project
LB258 101 Sen Harms Passed Change and provide penalties for minors in possession of alcoholic liquor
LB298 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB299 101 Sen Harms Passed Add a member to the Nebraska Safety Center Advisory Council established by the Board of Regents
LB331 103 Sen Harms Passed Change provisions relating to postsecondary education grants and the Postsecondary Institution Act
LB332 103 Sen Harms Passed Change application provisions relating to the Access College Early Scholarship Program
LB351 103 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Require cognitive tests for persons eighty years of age or older obtaining motor vehicle operator's licenses
LB415 100 Sen Harms Final Reading Change provisions relating to provisional operator's permits and other operator's licenses and permits
LB415A 100 Sen Harms Final Reading Appropriations bill
LB458 101 Sen Harms Passed Provide for vocational training for public assistance recipients
LB459 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the Stay in the Game Program
LB489 100 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to and require buses to have occupant protection systems
LB490 100 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Repeal the Seamless Delivery System Pilot Project
LB491 100 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to concealed handguns
LB492 100 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Education Facilities State Aid Act and create the Education Facilities Review Board
LB507 102 Sen Harms Passed Change Welfare Reform Act requirements relating to education for recipients of assistance
LB554 102 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Prohibit open containers of alcohol in or on a vessel, motorboat, or personal watercraft
LB555 102 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Eliminate Special Masters and other provisions of the State Employees Collective Bargaining Act
LB653 101 Sen Harms Passed Create the Legislature's Planning Committee
LB654 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Provide for borrowing by a school district for special building fund projects
LB655 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Require community college compliance with association membership provisions
LB656 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Health Care Accessibility and Affordability Act
LB657 101 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Change the Microenterprise Development Act
LB727 103 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to anatomical gift donation designations on drivers' licenses and state identification cards
LB728 103 Sen Harms Passed Change provisions relating to criminal history record information checks for certain employees of the Division of Developmental Disabilities of the Department of Health and Human Services
LB781 103 Sen Harms Passed Change a date relating to a community college area comprehensive audit
LB807 103 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to provisional operator's permits, interactive wireless communication devices, and occupant protection systems and update references to certain federal provisions
LB827 103 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB841 102 Sen Harms Passed Change provisions relating to permits for exceeding vehicle size and weight limitations
LB842 102 Sen Harms Passed Change the termination date relating to self-sufficiency activities under the Welfare Reform Act and provide ADC data collection duties for the Department of Health and Human Services
LB880 103 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Require notice of debit and preauthorization hold amounts as prescribed and provide for a violation to be a deceptive trade practice
LB943 101 Sen Harms Passed Provide for the merger of civil service commissions under the Civil Service Act
LB944 101 Sen Harms Withdrawn Provide for publication of certain items on school district web sites
LB945 101 Sen Harms Passed Prohibit use of handheld wireless communication devices while driving
LB949A 102 Sen Harms Passed Appropriation Bill
LB971 102 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Merge the Department of Labor into the Department of Economic Development
LB1019 102 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for capital improvements at the state colleges
LB1092 100 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Require seat belts on certain school buses
LB1093 100 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB1094 102 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Provide for an election in certain counties to require elections by mail
(1st Special)
101 Sen Harms Congratulate the Scottsbluff girls' golf team for winning the 2009 Class B state championship
LR2CA 102 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize county manager form of county government
(1st Special)
100 Sen Harms Congratulate the Scottsbluff High School girls' cross country team for winning the Class B state championship
(1st Special)
100 Sen Harms Congratulate the Scottsbluff High School girls' golf team for winning the Class B state championship
LR12CA 103 Sen Harms Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize a county manager form of county government
LR38 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Lane Matthew Laucomer for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR40 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Celesta M. Allen on her 107th birthday on March 2, 2009
LR50 102 Sen Harms Congratulate the Western Nebraska Community College volleyball team for winning the 2010 National Junior College Athletic Association Division I championship
LR65 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Teresa Scanlan for being crowned Miss America 2011
LR81 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Willie Schwartzkopf for winning the 2011 Class B state wrestling championship in the 171-pound division
LR82 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Colton Adams for winning the 2011 Class B state wrestling championship in the 112-pound division
LR83 103 Sen Harms Congratulate the Scottsbluff High School boys' basketball team for their accomplishments
LR95 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Taylor Counter for winning the state championship in the girls' 100-yard breaststroke at the 2011 State Swimming and Diving Championships
LR96 102 Sen Harms Congratulate the Scottsbluff High School drill team for winning the state championship in the Class A/B high kick division at the 2011 Nebraska State Cheer and Dance Championships
LR149 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Sara Frederick for placing third in Serious Prose at the 2011 Class A State Speech championship
LR150 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Gering High School on claiming the 2011 Class B Oral Interpretation of Drama State championship
LR151 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Nick Roussel for placing first in both Duet Acting and Serious Prose at the 2011 Class A Nebraska State Speech championship
LR152 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Tyler Webber for placing first in Duet Acting at the 2011 Class A Nebraska State Speech championship
LR153 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Derrick Goss for placing sixth in Entertainment at the 2011 Class A Nebraska State Speech championship
LR172 101 Sen Harms Interim study to analyze the education and training available that could lead to careers in high-demand industries in Nebraska
LR179 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Kaleigh Mueller for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR180 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Caleb Wyre for his achievements at the 2011 Class B state championship for journalism
LR181 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Erika Bowman for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR182 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Kendall Uhrich for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championship for journalism
LR183 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Alexa Anderson for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR184 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Kelsy Belgum for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR185 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Jessica Wolf for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR186 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Samuel Eastman for his achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR187 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Nicholas Brady for his achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR188 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Courtney Prohs for her achievements at the 2011 Class B championships for journalism
LR189 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Destiney Warren for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR192 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Kaitlyn Krzyzanowski for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR193 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Morgan Broussard for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR194 102 Sen Harms Congratulate McKenzie Duncan for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR195 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Morgan Greene for her achievements at the 2011 Class B state championships for journalism
LR233 103 Sen Harms Referral Interim study to review federal and state laws on the practice of businesses such as gas stations, hotels, or other businesses, placing holds on credit cards for more than the amount of the purchase
LR234 103 Sen Harms Referral Interim study to examine ways to assist in the development of budget, revenue, and fiscal note projections through comprehensive and targeted economic or demographic evaluations that are conducted in order to enhance policy decision making to ensure a balanced state budget
LR235 103 Sen Harms Referral Interim study to examine the adoption process under the current safe haven law
LR236 103 Sen Harms Referral Interim study to explore methods by which to prevent increases in motor vehicle injuries and fatalities as a result of the increase in the the aging population forecasts
LR242 103 Sen Harms Referral Interim study to examine the methods of encouraging transition from adult education to postsecondary education for adults
LR283 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Aubree Worden on her achievements
LR325 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Coach Maria Winn-Ratliff on being selected as Region IX Coach of the Year and for her team's continued success
LR326 102 Sen Harms Congratulate the Western Nebraska Community College softball team for winning its second straight Region IX championship
LR327 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Ben Castinado, Jr., on being named Grand Marshal and for receiving the Key to the City of Scottsbluff
LR328 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Reynaldo Castro for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR329 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Josh McBride for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR330 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Jacob Douglas for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR338 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Willie Schwartzkopf for winning the 2010 Class C state wrestling championship in the 171-pound division
LR339 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Jordan Debus for winning the 2010 Class C state wrestling championship in the 189-pound division
LR340 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Tyler Nation for winning the 2010 Class B state wrestling championship in the 125-pound division
LR341 101 Sen Harms Congratulate the Mitchell High School wrestling team for winning the 2010 Class C state championship
LR348 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Aubree Worden on her outstanding performance at the 2011 Class B State Track and Field Meet
LR397 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Gering, Nebraska, on its one hundred twenty-fifth anniversary
LR398 102 Sen Harms Congratulate Rita Stinner for being named the 2012 Trailblazer of the Year
LR444 102 Sen Harms Congratulate the Bluffs Middle School Brass Ensemble on their performance in the rotunda of the State Capitol
LR468 102 Sen Harms Congratulate the Scottsbluff High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2012 Class B state championship
LR470 102 Sen Harms Congratulate the Gering High School speech team for winning the 2012 Western Conference Meet
LR471 102 Sen Harms Congratulate the Scottsbluff High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2012 Class B state championship
LR514 101 Sen Harms Interim study to examine Nebraska's capacity to best serve lower-educated workers through adult education programs
LR544 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Jeremy Stevens for being named to the Phi Theta Kappa 2010 All-Nebraska Academic Team
LR545 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Heather Bobo for being named to the Phi Theta Kappa 2010 All-Nebraska Academic Team
LR546 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Rebecca Bell for being named to the Phi Theta Kappa 2010 All-Nebraska Academic Team
LR547 101 Sen Harms Congratulate Amber Kistler for being named to the Phi Theta Kappa 2010 All-Nebraska Academic Team
LR560 102 Sen Harms Referral Interim study to review federal and state laws on the practice of businesses such as gas stations, hotels, or other businesses, placing holds on credit cards for more than the amount of the purchase
LR561 102 Sen Harms Referral Interim study to examine the feasibility of a merger between the Dept. of Economic Development and the Dept. of Labor, as proposed in LB971