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Search for Blood, 3 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
(1st Special)
108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change requirements relating to proposals for constitutional amendments submitted by the Legislature
(1st Special)
108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Fantasy Contests Act and provide a gambling exception
(1st Special)
108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to individual income tax rates
(1st Special)
108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for a luxury tax on certain purchases
LB9 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change independent expenditure reporting requirements and require electioneering reporting
LB10 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change motor vehicle and property tax exemptions for disabled veterans
LB11 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to domestic abuse protection orders
LB12 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Create the Nebraska Human Breast Milk Bank
LB13 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Require coverage of human breast milk under the Medical Assistance Act
LB14 107 Sen Blood Passed Adopt the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact
LB15 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Occupational Therapy Practice Interstate Compact
LB20 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for insurance coverage of and medicaid access to prescribed contraceptives
(1st Special)
108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for a retail delivery fee
(1st Special)
108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act
(1st Special)
108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide a real estate transfer tax on mansions and an income tax credit for payment of the real estate transfer tax
LB38 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax adjustment relating to federal retirement annuities
LB39 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Require disability impact statements for certain legislation
LB40 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Riparian and Water Quality Practices Act
LB79 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Small Business Retirement Marketplace Act
LB80 105 Sen Blood Passed Provide for unclassified service under the County Civil Service Act
LB81 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change the application fee for handgun certificates
LB82 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Motor Vehicles to include certain traffic stop safety information in the Nebraska Driver's Manual
LB83 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Allow physician medical directors to display emergency vehicle lights
LB84 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for admissibility in any civil action of evidence of damages as a result of driving under the influence
LB85 105 Sen Blood Passed Provide a requirement for persons seeking appointive or elective office as prescribed and to provide a duty for the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission
LB85A 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB86 105 Sen Blood Passed Change provisions relating to opening bids
LB87 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Redefine a qualified facility and authorize local distribution utilities to waive certain requirements relating to net metering
LB88 105 Sen Blood Passed Adopt the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact and the Nurse Licensure Compact and change and eliminate other provisions relating to the regulation of health professionals
LB109 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for a temporary teaching certificate or permit for military spouses
LB113 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Correctional Services to disclose certain records
LB114 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to reductions of good time
LB115 106 Sen Blood Passed Change provisions related to enrollment of children of members of the military
LB137 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Fantasy Contests Act and provide a gambling exception
LB137A 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB138 106 Sen Blood Passed Provide for a veterans' program coordinator, change and eliminate certain license plate fees, and provide for additional Military Honor Plates and Support Our Troops Plates
LB211 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act
LB265 107 Sen Blood Passed Change provisions of the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act
LB280 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Interstate Massage Compact
LB365 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to access to public records and provide for fees
LB413 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact
LB476 107 Sen Blood Passed Change provisions relating to the Stroke System of Care Act
LB478 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Cities of the First Class Firefighters Cash Balance Retirement Act
LB554 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Licensed Professional Counselors Interstate Compact
LB559 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for electronic filing of statements of financial interests and require additional elected officials to file such statements under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB560 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed State intent to seek federal funds under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
LB561 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Cosmetology Licensure Compact
LB594 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for a deceptive trade practice relating to meat under the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act
LB639 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act relating to rules and regulations, case progression standards, and summons and eliminate requirements to distribute copies of certain materials
LB681 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact
LB682 105 Sen Blood Passed Provide consumer protection and civil relief for servicemembers and provide a duty for the National Guard
LB683 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide a license fee exemption for servicemembers and their spouses under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB684 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act
LB685 105 Sen Blood Passed Provide a funding priority for special-needs military dependents under the Developmental Disabilities Services Act
LB686 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact
LB686A 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB687 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act
LB688 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Reduction Act and eliminate credits under the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB689 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to fees in the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act
LB690 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Redefine basic skills competency for purposes of teachers' and administrators' certificates or permits
LB691 107 Sen Blood Passed Include kidnapping victims under the Address Confidentiality Act
LB692 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit causing sexual contact when a condom has been removed without consent
LB693 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to motor vehicle tax exemptions, motor vehicle fee exemptions, and property tax exemptions for certain veterans
LB694 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide a statute of limitations for exposure to certain chemicals, prescription drugs, or medical devices
LB695 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit conditional use permits and zoning exceptions for delinquent property taxpayers
LB696 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the State Department of Education for school employee retention payments
LB735 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Create a work group and establish the Nebraska Stewardship Program under the Nebraska Apiary Act
LB742 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change penalty, sentencing, and hearing application provisions relating to offenses against animals
LB743 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt updated electrical standards
LB744 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Authorize appointment of county engineer in certain counties and change powers and duties
LB745 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide duties for law enforcement and prosecutors regarding federal immigration forms relating to victims of certain crimes
LB746 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Consumer Data Privacy Act
LB747 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change the definition of microbusiness under the Nebraska Advantage Microenterprise Tax Credit Act
LB748 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Fertility Fraud Act
LB749 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Anti-Terrorism Act
LB750 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit discrimination based on military or veteran status
LB751 106 Sen Blood Passed Provide for a mental health exception to compulsory education requirements
LB752 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide duties and programs relating to veterans
LB753 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact
LB754 106 Sen Blood Withdrawn Provide for a new certificate of birth and amendment of a certificate of birth
LB755 106 Sen Blood Passed Change provisions relating to home services under the Cosmetology, Electrology, Esthetics, Nail Technology, and Body Art Practice Act and Barber Act; physician assistants under the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act and the Podiatry Practice Act; membership of the Board of Medicine and Surgery; infant screening testing; Parkinson’s disease drug reporting; and the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act
LB755A 106 Sen Blood Passed Appropriation Bill
LB756 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Authorize persons eighteen years of age or older to buy and sell stocks and bonds
LB757 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain fraudulent acts under the Nebraska Criminal Code and the Insurance Fraud Act
LB821 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the preliminary or advanced enrollment of certain students
LB822 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Social Worker Licensure Compact and change provisions relating to criminal background checks
LB823 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Physician Assistant (PA) Licensure Compact and change provisions relating to criminal background checks
LB824 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact and change provisions relating to criminal background checks
LB825 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Farmers of Color Opportunity Act and provide tax credits
LB826 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for combination fishing, fur-harvesting, and hunting permits and stamps and state park entry permits for resident and nonresident veterans and active duty military personnel
LB827 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Entertainment Industry Child Performer Protection Act
LB828 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Apiary Act and provide for the Pollinator Task Force, the Nebraska Apiary Registry, and immunity for certain damages relating to bees
LB829 108 Sen Blood Passed Change provisions relating to insurance coverage for screening for colorectal cancer
LB829A 108 Sen Blood Passed Appropriation Bill
LB830 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Designate a state tartan
LB831 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Noxious Weed Control Act and provide for control of restricted plants
LB832 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Authorize acceptance of cession or retrocession of federal jurisdiction for juvenile matters and provide for concurrent jurisdiction
LB833 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Prescription Drug Affordability Act
LB834 108 Sen Blood Passed Establish requirements for a resident dental license
LB835 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact
LB894A 105 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB911 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Probation Administration to make reports under the Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Act
LB976 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for an education and training program for judges and court staff
LB977 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit discrimination based on military or veteran status
LB1000 106 Sen Blood Withdrawn Direct any registration fees from fantasy contests to early childhood care and education workforce
LB1048 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the University of Nebraska to evaluate the chemicals released and pollution caused by ethanol production facilities
LB1090 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Allow local governing bodies to suspend liquor licenses for nonpayment of taxes, fees, and special assessments
LB1373 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Dietitian Licensure Compact and change provisions relating to criminal background checks
LR1 107 Sen Blood Adopted Express support for the United States Air Force to reestablish the United States Space Command headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base
(1st Special)
108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to reimburse political subdivisions as prescribed
LR2 106 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Rescind any previous resolutions calling for U.S. Constitution Article V conventions
LR4 105 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to explore if the development of a more comprehensive water quality study is needed
LR5 108 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Legislative Resolution to ratify an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to regulation of child labor
LR39 106 Sen Blood Congratulate Madison DeMeo on her ongoing efforts helping those in need
LR46 106 Sen Blood Recognize March 19, 2019, as Celebrating Women in Public Office Day
LR48 108 Sen Blood Adopted Recognize March 19, 2023, as Celebrating Women in Public Office Day
LR58 108 Sen Blood Adopted Congratulate Jayden Speed and Kristie Trinh on being selected as student delegates to the sixty-first annual United States Senate Youth Program
LR95 108 Sen Blood Adopted Congratulate Jordyn Kenney on being the first woman to officiate a championship game at the NSAA boys state basketball tournament
LR132 108 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to examine the plausibility of the State of Nebraska becoming a participant in the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact
LR158 107 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to examine the accuracy of payments by the Department of Labor to recipients of state and federal benefit programs
LR159 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Request the Executive Board to appoint an AltEn LLC, Ethanol Plant Special Investigative and Oversight Committee
LR173 107 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to examine the organizational structure and funding of the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center
LR196 107 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to examine the potential applications for blockchain technology in agricultural operations
LR218 108 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to examine the federal incentive funds being distributed under the federal Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and how much of the funds will be distributed to the rural areas of Nebraska
LR223 105 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska statutes governing the use of personally identifiable information
LR224 105 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to examine cross-county assessment and collection of ad valorem taxes
LR232 108 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to examine the plausibility of the State of Nebraska joining the Social Work Licensure Compact
LR233 108 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to examine the plausibility of the State of Nebraska joining the Physician Assistant Licensure Compact
LR254 108 Sen Blood Adopted Congratulate Hugo Ronnberg and the Bellevue University men's golf team on winning the North Star Atlantic Association men's golf title and team championship
LR262 107 Sen Blood Withdrawn Provide the Legislature supports both the federal American Beef Labeling Act of 2021 and United States Senate Bill 949
LR263CA 107 Sen Blood Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to reimburse political subdivisions as prescribed
LR275CA 108 Sen Blood Withdrawn Constitutional amendment to repeal provisions that prohibit a person from being denied employment because of membership in or nonmembership in a labor organization
LR276 107 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to examine circumstances in which conditional use permits can be approved or revoked
LR277 107 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to determine what is needed to develop a plan to protect managed and native Nebraskan pollinators from current harmful practices
LR284 107 Sen Blood Referral Support an objective review of the "Product of U.S.A." label by the USDA and action to restrict the scope of use in a way that is beneficial for cattle producers and consumers, and is trade compliant
LR289 106 Sen Blood Congratulate the Bellevue West High School football team on winning the 2019 Class A state championship
LR317 107 Sen Blood Adopted Recognize October 2022 as Spina Bifida Awareness Month
LR318 107 Sen Blood Adopted Recognize March 19, 2022, as Celebrating Women in Public Office Day
LR341 105 Sen Blood Recognize March 19, 2018, as Celebrating Women in Public Office Day
LR350 108 Sen Blood Adopted Congratulate the Bellevue West High School boys basketball team on winning the 2024 Class A state championship
LR395 106 Sen Blood Referral Interim study to determine the benefits of requiring each committee of the Legislature to complete a study and hold a public hearing for each interim study resolution referred to that committee
LR431 107 Sen Blood Adopted Thank Kathy Hoell for her decades of service to the disability community and to Nebraska
LR496 105 Sen Blood Congratulate the Omaha Bryan High School boys' basketball team on a successful season and Coach Terrence O'Donnell for being named the Class A boys Coach of the Year