Hearings for Education Committee

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Date: Monday February 24, 2025
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB426
Introducer: Andersen
Description: Authorize an American flag education program and change provisions relating to the distribution of lottery funds used for education
Document: LB213
Introducer: Holdcroft
Description: Require the State Board of Education to adopt academic content standards on human embryology under the science education standards
Document: LB549
Introducer: Lippincott
Description: Allow a school board to employ a chaplain, including in a volunteer capacity, at a school
Document: LB691
Introducer: Murman
Description: Require school districts and private, denominational, and parochial schools to display the Ten Commandments in school buildings
Document: LB122
Introducer: Meyer
Description: Require display of the state and national motto in schools
Date: Tuesday February 18, 2025
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB417
Introducer: Bostar
Description: Provide for administration of the Nebraska Promise Program by the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, adopt the College Promise Act, and change provisions relating to the Quality Education Accountability Act
Document: LB517
Introducer: Juarez
Description: Provide requirements for the state school security director regarding protective door assemblies and other school entry systems
Document: LB631
Introducer: Hansen
Description: State intent relating to funding for the School Emergency Response Mapping Fund
Document: LB685
Introducer: Lonowski
Description: Require schools to install a secure master key box as prescribed, provide powers and duties to the state school security director, change provisions relating to a grant program for security-related infrastructure projects and the School Safety and Security Fund, and provide for a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund
Document: LB429
Introducer: Murman
Description: Provide requirements and restrictions for school boards relating to professional employees’ organizations
Date: Tuesday February 11, 2025
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB408
Introducer: Dungan
Description: Adopt the Special Education Teacher Forgivable Loan Program Act
Document: LB598
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Provide funding to school districts to cover extraordinary increases in limited English proficiency student expenditures, change provisions relating to the elementary site allowance and certification dates under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and reimbursement for special education programs and support services, and change eligible uses of the Education Future Fund
Document: LB589
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Change provisions relating to reimbursement for special education programs and support services and require school districts to provide special education staff with professional leave
Document: LB653
Introducer: Murman
Description: Change provisions relating to reimbursement for special education programs, support services, and the enrollment option program, provide reimbursement for certain students under the enrollment option program, and change the authorized uses of the Education Future Fund
Document: LB507
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Change provisions relating to school transportation expenses for children with disabilities
Date: Monday February 10, 2025
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB303
Introducer: Hughes
Description: Change provisions relating to foundation aid and certain certification dates and provide for base levy adjustments under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and create the School Finance Reform Commission
Document: LB500
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Create the School Financing Review Commission
Document: LB597
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Change provisions relating to foundation aid, local effort rate yield, adjusted valuations of property, and certification dates under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
Document: LB498
Introducer: Murman
Description: Change provisions relating to foundation aid and certification dates under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
Document: LB161
Introducer: Juarez
Description: Redefine formula students under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
Date: Tuesday February 04, 2025
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB670
Introducer: Murman
Description: Require schools to adopt a safety plan and provide and change requirements related to training for staff of child care and schools
Document: LB140
Introducer: Sanders
Description: Require school policies relating to use of electronic communication devices by students
Document: LB567
Introducer: Quick
Description: Authorize school policies relating to community engagement
Document: LB31
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Require school policies relating to the use of student surveillance, monitoring, and tracking technology by school districts
Document: LB428
Introducer: Murman
Description: Change provisions relating to school policies on the involvement of parents, guardians, and educational decisionmakers in schools
Date: Monday February 03, 2025
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB625
Introducer: Dover
Description: Provide for the establishment of a database of financial information from all school districts in the state
Document: LB538
Introducer: Hardin
Description: Require school boards and postsecondary educational institutions to adopt a policy and provide training relating to discrimination and antisemitism and provide for Title VI coordinators
Document: LB143
Introducer: Rountree
Description: Change provisions relating to student enrollment
Document: LB390
Introducer: Murman
Description: Require each school board to adopt a policy relating to access by a parent, guardian, or educational decisionmaker to certain school library information
Document: LB306
Introducer: Education Committee
Description: Change provisions relating to the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges, the Nebraska Career Scholarship Act, the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education Act, the Door to College Scholarship Act, and budget limitations for community colleges
Date: Tuesday January 28, 2025
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB249
Introducer: Sanders
Description: Provide for military impact funding and change provisions relating to local formula resources under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
Document: LB296
Introducer: Arch
Description: Require the State Department of Education to create a centralized education records system and employ registrars relating to students under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and change provisions relating to graduation requirements and the State Department of Education Improvement Grant Fund
Document: LB335
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Redefine child under the In the Line of Duty Dependent Education Act
Date: Monday January 27, 2025
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: Appointment
Description: Edmond, Connie - Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges
Document: Appointment
Description: Engles, Robert - Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges
Document: LB378
Introducer: Andersen
Description: Require that each public or private two-year or four-year college or university provide a report to the Attorney General relating to certain funding from a foreign source
Document: LB282
Introducer: Prokop
Description: Provide for reimbursement for teachers for school supplies
Document: LB352
Introducer: Ballard
Description: Change provisions relating to reports on student achievement and discipline required under the Quality Education Accountability Act
Document: LB300
Introducer: Murman
Description: Change provisions relating to the Superintendent Pay Transparency Act and provide a limit for superintendent and educational service unit administrator compensation