Hearings for March 1st, 2023

108th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 36

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Location: Room 1307
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: Agency 14
Description: Public Service Commission
Document: Agency 21
Description: State Fire Marshal
Document: Agency 54
Description: Historical Society, Nebraska State
Document: Agency 69
Description: Arts Council, Nebraska
Document: LB361
Introducer: Dorn
Description: State legislative intent to appropriate funds for the Precision Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Program
Document: LB563
Introducer: Dorn
Description: Appropriate funds to the Nebraska State Historical Society
Document: LB615
Introducer: McDonnell
Description: Appropriate funds to the State Fire Marshal
Document: LB718
Introducer: Dover
Description: Appropriate funds to the Nebraska Arts Council
Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB675
Introducer: Day
Description: Change provisions relating to elections and identification documents
Document: LB228
Introducer: Erdman
Description: Create state holidays for statewide primary and general election days, require in-person voting, photographic identification to vote, counting of ballots on election day, and counting of ballots at the precinct level, and allow voting by mail for registered military personnel and residents of nursing homes and assisted-living facilities
Document: LB230
Introducer: Erdman
Description: Require qualifying identification for voter registration and voting, require in-person voting, provide penalties, eliminate certain fees for state identification cards and certified copies of birth certificates, and change provisions relating to operators' licenses and state identification cards
Health and Human Services
Location: Room 1510
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB488
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Adopt the Sexual Assault Emergency Care Act
Document: LB204
Introducer: Riepe
Description: Provide for reimbursement for pharmacy dispensing fees under the medical assistance program
Document: LB62
Introducer: Cavanaugh, M.
Description: Provide for coverage of translation and interpretation services under the medical assistance program, change reporting requirements related to the medical assistance program, and require a report regarding to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program
Document: LB179
Introducer: Fredrickson
Description: Prohibit conversion therapy
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB480
Introducer: Holdcroft
Description: Change medical lien provisions
Document: LB331
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Provide for adoption by two persons jointly and change provisions relating to adoptions
Document: LB169
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Prohibit discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity
Document: LB316
Introducer: Fredrickson
Description: Change and eliminate provisions relating to marriage
Document: LR26CA
Introducer: Day
Description: Constitutional amendment to remove provisions regarding marriage from the Constitution of Nebraska
Natural Resources
Location: Room 1507
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB396
Introducer: Erdman
Description: Provide for streamflow augmentation projects and retention of water rights
Document: LB656
Introducer: McDonnell
Description: Change provisions relating to the Small Watersheds Flood Control Fund
Document: Appointment
Description: Hughes, Dan - Game and Parks Commission
Location: Room 1524
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB303
Introducer: Linehan
Description: Change provisions relating to an annual estimate for necessary funding under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
Document: LB580
Introducer: Holdcroft
Description: Change provisions relating to agricultural or horticultural land receiving special valuation
Document: LB495
Introducer: Briese
Description: Redefine nonqualified withdrawal for purposes of the Nebraska educational savings plan
Document: LB180
Introducer: Brandt
Description: Adopt the Nebraska Biodiesel Tax Credit Act
Document: LB209
Introducer: Bostar
Description: Provide tax exemptions relating to data centers