New for 2024
Both new and experienced users of the legislature’s bill page may find that sorting amendments, motions, and bill activity can be confusing. The Legislature is introducing a simplified bill page alternative. This page will show the process of the legislative bill, akin to a delivery tracker, as well as adopted amendments and successful motions. Those that wish to see all bill activity, including filed and pending matters, should switch to the “detailed view”.
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New this session, every bill voted out of committee will have additional documentation displayed along with the committee statement. The first document will be a list of those who submitted comments for the public hearing record. These names will be listed based on the position they took on that particular piece of legislation. The second document is a list of non-testifiers who attended the public hearing. These individuals signed the “white or gold sheet” in the back of the room but did not testify before the committee. For more information about our public input options, we invite you to visit our Public Input page.
Starting this session you may see some committee statements adorned with the legislative seal and unique serial number. This indicates that the public document has been reviewed by a veteran legislative attorney with extensive committee experience. Senators, Staff, Lobbyists, and members of the public who rely on these documents can be assured that the contents are thorough and clear.
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