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Search for Bostelman, 23 in All Legislatures
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Document | Legislature | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB84 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Redefine terms relating to tax incentive performance audits and the ImagiNE Nebraska Act |
LB85 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Require Nebraska State Patrol to provide notice of expiration of concealed handgun permits |
LB86 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Require registration for the prescription drug monitoring system |
LB119 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine a term under the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Act |
LB120 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate obsolete provisions relating to a Nebraska Power Review Board study |
LB121 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Repeal the Trail Development Assistance Act |
LB122 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the One-Call Notification System Act |
LB125 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to interest earnings on the Surface Water Irrigation Infrastructure Fund |
LB148 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Transfer certain environmental safety programs to the Department of Environment and Energy |
LB166 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to design-build, construction manager-general contractor, and public-private-partnership proposals under the Transportation Innovation Act |
LB176 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Eliminate obsolete provisions related to milldams |
LB177 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions relating to apportionable and fleet vehicles, motor fuel tax collections and enforcement, and powers and duties of the Director of Motor Vehicles |
LB278 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a veteran notation on an operator's license or a state identification card for certain commissioned officers as prescribed |
LB279 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a sales and use tax exemption for food sold by veterans service organizations |
LB288 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Require the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish and maintain an online verification system for accessing certain private passenger motor vehicle insurance and financial responsibility information and authorize a disclosure under the Uniform Motor Vehicle Records Disclosure Act |
LB289 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide powers for agencies created under the Municipal Cooperative Financing Act |
LB325 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for motor vehicle tax exemptions for one hundred percent service-connected disability compensation rated veterans and dependency and indemnity compensation recipients |
LB338 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions regarding broadband service and provide requirements for and change provisions relating to funding for broadband infrastructure |
LB339 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Require a utility coordination plan for certain highway and bridge contracts |
LB366 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change registration fee for alternative fuel-powered motor vehicles |
LB397 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit certain causes of action by motorists without liability insurance or convicted of DUI offenses, require the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish and maintain an online verification system for accessing certain private passenger motor vehicle insurance information, and authorize a disclosure of certain motor vehicle records |
LB398 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to broadband speeds and services |
LB399 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to rural water districts |
LB425 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Game and Parks Commission and the Game Law |
LB472 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions relating to signs and advertising on highways |
LB507 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions relating to hunting permits, electors under the Irrigation District Act, and the Water Sustainability Fund and prohibit the use of treated seed in the production of agricultural ethyl alcohol |
LB508 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide motor vehicle tax exemptions for certain veterans and spouses |
LB565 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Adopt the Public Water and Natural Resources Project Contracting Act and the Nuclear and Hydrogen Development Act and change provisions relating to municipal cooperative financing, scrap tires, power conservation and development, and the Game Law |
LB565A | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB566 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Require a study and report by the Natural Resources Committee of the Legislature regarding intermittent renewable energy generation |
LB567 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to public power and irrigation districts and electric suppliers |
LB568 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nuclear and Hydrogen Development Act |
LB569 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Require public notice and public meetings prior to construction of certain electric generation facilities |
LB635 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change certain violations and penalties under the Game Law |
LB636 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit interference with hunting, trapping, or fishing by intimidation using a telephone or other communication device |
LB637 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit disclosure of information relating to firearm owners and concealed carry permitholders |
LB638 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide enhanced criminal penalties based upon a person's employment as prescribed |
LB639 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change when a preference is required for certain government employment relating to servicemembers and their spouses and veterans |
LB696 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to Military Honor Plates |
LB697 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate a fee for issuance of military related license plates |
LB698 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change load provisions and penalties for commercial motor vehicles and commercial trailers |
LB699 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions relating to transporter plates |
LB700 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for decommissioning and reclamation of a wind energy conversion system |
LB701 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Require billing for emergency medical services |
LB722 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide authority for the Public Service Commission regarding construction of broadband or other telecommunications infrastructure |
LB723 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Public Water and Natural Resources Project Contracting Act |
LB806 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to drainage of land by the landowner |
LB831 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change certificate of title provisions for a junked vehicle |
LB832 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Provide immunity from civil liability for entering a vehicle to remove a child |
LB865 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Require annual reports to the Nebraska Broadband Office |
LB866 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to service on the Nebraska Power Review Board |
LB867 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Provide for a voluntary hunting and fishing guide and outfitter database, a migratory waterfowl hunting season for veterans, active-duty military state park entry permits, change provisions relating to the Nebraska Power Review Board and the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund, and prohibit restrictions on the provision of services related to natural gas and propane |
LB867A | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB868 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Extend the sunset date for reimbursement for remedial action under the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund |
LB893 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to emergency care providers and provide for community paramedicine and critical care paramedics |
LB900 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt and update references to federal law relating to transportation and increase fines for violations of certain motor carrier statutes and regulations |
LB901 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change permit application and issuance requirements relating to regulation of certain structures by the Division of Aeronautics of the Department of Transportation and provide a duty for the Nebraska National Guard |
LB902 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Authorize the withholding from the public of information regarding firearm registration, possession, sale, or use |
LB909 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions relating to motor carriers, hazardous materials regulations, and titling, registration, sales, and operation of motorboats and motor vehicles |
LB913 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Changes provisions relating to construction of highways and roads |
LB914 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Require the Public Service Commission to create and maintain a broadband map and data repository |
LB1002 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions regarding emergency medical services, medical nutrition therapy, juvenile psychiatric units and facilities, and wholesale drug distribution |
LB1008 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Game Law, the compensation of certain commission members, the withholding of certain competitive information, certain privately developed renewable energy generation facilities, and certain scrap tire projects |
LB1030 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions of the County Bridge Match Program and provide for a transfer of funds from the Roads Operations Cash Fund |
LB1031 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions relating to dark fiber leases, broadband telecommunications services, the Nebraska Telecommunications Universal Service Fund, the Public Service Commission, the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Act, and the 911 Service System Act |
LB1031A | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1032 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for tuition waivers for conservation officers of the Game and Parks Commission under the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act |
LB1045 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change qualifications of certain public power district board members |
LB1046 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to selection of the board of directors and chief executive officer of certain public power districts |
LB1047 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements regarding annual load and capability reports filed with the Nebraska Power Review Board |
LB1074 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Surface Water Irrigation Infrastructure Fund and provide for a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB1099 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Create the Nebraska Hydrogen Hub Industry Work Group |
LB1100 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Economic Development for a feasibility study relating to nuclear reactors |
LB1101 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Telecommunications Universal Service Fund and the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Act |
LB1102 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Adopt the Nebraska Environmental Response Act and change provisions relating to enforcement of environmental protection requirements |
LB1102A | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1201 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Flood Mitigation and Planning Task Force |
LB1370 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Passed | Provide requirements for electric generation facilities, transmission lines, wind energy conversion systems, and retirement of a dispatchable electric generation facility and change provisions relating to public power districts |
LR45 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the Bishop Neumann High School girls' basketball team for winning the Class C-1 state championship | |
LR48 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Indefinitely postponed | Recognize the need for the Legislature to understand the circumstances and practices surrounding the interruptions in electricity to residents in the state |
LR68 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate Melvin Hernandez, Kyle Petree, Joseph Reimers, and Cole Krecklow for their individual championships and successful seasons | |
LR69 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the Cedar Bluffs High School cheer and dance team for their outstanding performance at the 2017 Nebraska State Cheer and Dance Competition | |
LR70 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the Wahoo Bishop Neumann High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2017 Class C-1 state championship | |
LR81 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Adopted | Congratulate the National Wild Turkey Federation on its fiftieth anniversary |
LR92 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Adopted | Congratulate Aaron Langemeier on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR96 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the David City High School speech team for their championship awards | |
LR117 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Referral | Interim study to examine surface water irrigation projects and infrastructure |
LR133 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Referral | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Natural Resources Committee |
LR152 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Referral | Interim study to evaluate the need for laws that would allow the Department of Environment and Energy to respond to emergency situations related to pesticide-treated seed or grain |
LR162 | 108 | Sen Bostelman | Referral | Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Game and Parks Commission |
LR203 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Extend thanks to the Federal Management Agency, the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, and the emergency managers for their outstanding leadership and support during the flooding and recovery | |
LR227 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Referral | Interim study to examine the future of nuclear-generated electricity in Nebraska |
LR271 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the Wahoo High School volleyball team for winning the 2017 Class C-1 state championship | |
LR272 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the East Butler High School football team for winning the 2017 Class D-1 state championship | |
LR273 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the Bishop Neumann High School softball team for winning the 2017 Class C state championship | |
LR274 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the Yutan High School football team for winning the Class C-2 state championship | |
LR286 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Adopted | Recognize the fiftieth anniversary of Nebraska's natural resources districts on July 1, 2022 |
LR305 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the Schuyler Community Schools for receiving the 2017 NebraskARTS Award | |
LR335 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate Melvin Hernandez, Sam Kolterman, Joseph Reimers, Seth Styskal, and Jack Sutton for their individual wrestling championships and successful seasons | |
LR336 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the Cedar Bluffs High School Cheer and Dance Team for their outstanding performance at the 2018 Nebraska State Cheer and Dance competition | |
LR355 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Referral | Interim study to examine and review Chapter 70 of the Nebraska Statutes relating to power districts and corporations |
LR359 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Congratulate the Wahoo High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2018 Class C-1 state championship | |
LR363 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Referral | Interim study to examine the reprocessing and recycling of spent nuclear fuel |
LR395 | 105 | Sen Bostelman | Referral | Interim study to examine issues to identify the needs of and improve upon the emergency medical services system provided by volunteers in Nebraska |
LR419 | 107 | Sen Bostelman | Referral | Interim study to examine the existing federal rule process for nuclear generation license renewal applications |
LR431 | 106 | Sen Bostelman | Adopted | Congratulate Mike Meyer on his retirement from the Lincoln Fire and Rescue after thirty years of service to his community |