Hearings for January 24th, 2019

106th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 11

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
Location: Room 1507
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB20
Introducer: Briese
Description: Require voter approval of public building commission bonds
Note: Require voter approval of public building commission bonds
Document: LB204
Introducer: Briese
Description: Require approval of voters for bonds under the Interlocal Cooperation Act
Note: Require approval of voters for bonds under the Interlocal Cooperation Act
Document: LB52
Introducer: Stinner
Description: Require accountability for and investment of public funds and change provisions relating to the transfer and use of funds under the Nebraska educational savings plan trust
Note: Require accountability for and investment of public funds
Health and Human Services
Location: Room 1510
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB200
Introducer: Wishart
Description: Change provisions relating to licensure under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act of mental health substance use treatment centers providing civil protective custody of intoxicated persons
Document: LB60
Introducer: Cavanaugh
Description: Change terminology relating to shaken baby syndrome
Document: LB119
Introducer: Arch
Description: Provide for immunity from liability, confidentiality of information, and a burden of proof under the Health Care Quality Improvement Act
Location: Warner Chamber
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB28
Introducer: Kolterman
Description: Authorize damages for property taxes and special assessments paid on property lost through adverse possession
Document: LB55
Introducer: Lowe
Description: Change powers of copersonal representatives, cotrustees, coguardians, and coconservators, change provisions relating to accounts with POD designations, and authorize persons eighteen years of age to acquire or convey title to real property and to enter into and execute related legal documents
Document: LB146
Introducer: Hansen, M.
Description: Change liability and damages provisions for refusal to accept acknowledged power of attorney
Document: LB154
Introducer: Brewer
Description: Authorize a study to improve reporting and investigation of missing Native American women and children
Document: LB264
Introducer: La Grone
Description: Redefine premises under the Disposition of Personal Property Landlord and Tenant Act
Natural Resources
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB287
Introducer: Quick
Description: Change and provide duties for the Game and Parks Commission and change provisions relating to stamps, permits, fees, and hunter orange display requirements as prescribed
Location: Room 1524
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB63
Introducer: Groene
Description: Change tax levy provisions relating to rural and suburban fire protection districts and change the Mutual Finance Assistance Act
Document: LB103
Introducer: Linehan
Description: Change the procedure for setting a political subdivision's property tax request
Document: LB158
Introducer: Brewer
Description: Change provisions relating to the assessed value of real property
Document: LB183
Introducer: Briese
Description: Change the valuation of agricultural land and horticultural land for purposes of certain school district taxes