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Search for Wightman, 36 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
(1st Special)
102 Sen Wightman Passed Appropriate funds for special session expenses
LB7 101 Sen Wightman Passed Provide a residency requirement for clerks of the district court
LB8 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change fees received by clerks and registers of deeds
LB9 101 Sen Wightman Passed Exempt from sales and use taxes wood and corn used as fuel and mineral oil applied as a dust suppressant
LB12 102 Sen Wightman Passed Eliminate "without parole" provisions relating to life imprisonment
LB13 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to life imprisonment without parole
LB14 102 Sen Wightman Passed Change fees received by registers of deeds, county clerks, district court clerks, and the Secretary of State
LB15 102 Sen Wightman Passed Change district court execution of judgment provisions
LB16 102 Sen Wightman Withdrawn Change composition of certain district court judicial districts
LB17 102 Sen Wightman Passed Change civil procedure complete court record provisions
LB22 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change inheritance tax calculations
LB23 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Exclude a portion of capital gains from income tax
LB36 103 Sen Wightman Passed Change an exemption to the documentary stamp tax
LB37 103 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to powers of personal representative with respect to a decedent's Internet sites
LB38 103 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to testamentary powers
LB46 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Provide for costs and expenses of estate administration
LB47 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change the amount of the intestate share of the surviving spouse
LB54 103 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change display of credential and advertisement provisions under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB55 103 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to reassumption of assessment function by counties
LB99 100 Sen Wightman Final Reading Change provisions relating to the appointment of receivers by the district court
LB118 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change decedents' estates provisions relating to collection of personal property by affidavit and succession to real property by affidavit
LB119 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change inheritance tax provisions
LB120 101 Sen Wightman Passed Change inheritance tax provisions
LB121 101 Sen Wightman Passed Provide for reassumption of property tax assessment functions by certain counties
LB121A 101 Sen Wightman Passed Appropriations Bill
LB170 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change temporary conservator appointment provisions
LB183 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change abandoned motorboat and trailer provisions
LB206 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Provide for disposition of abandoned camper units and cabin trailers
LB239 103 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska All-Payer Patient-Centered Medical Home Act
LB340 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Authorize a local option income tax for school capital construction purposes
LB341 103 Sen Wightman Passed Change tax sale procedures
LB345 103 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to certain real estate filings and transfer on death deeds
LB370 102 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to collection of delinquent real property taxes by sale of real property
LB384 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain actions by judgment creditors
LB388 102 Sen Wightman Passed Adopt the Site and Building Development Act and change provisions relating to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund
LB388A 102 Sen Wightman Passed Appropriation Bill
LB477 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change contribution levels for state and political subdivision employee health plans
LB487 103 Sen Wightman Passed Change health care certificate of need provisions
LB536 102 Sen Wightman Passed Adopt the Nebraska Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act and provide exemptions from the documentary stamp tax
LB550 102 Sen Wightman Passed Clarify incumbent filing deadline provisions
LB576 102 Sen Wightman Passed Create cash funds relating to publication and distribution of statutes
LB577 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Provide an application fee for a structure building permit issued by the Department of Aeronautics
LB600 103 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change inheritance tax rates
LB620 101 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to the Office of Legislative Audit and Research
LB621 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Provide an exemption from licensure as a massage therapist
LB682 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to use of the Supreme Court child support guidelines
LB685 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change membership provisions relating to the Executive Board of the Legislative Council
LB686 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change fees received by clerks and registers of deeds
LB687 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change amounts of homestead allowance, exempt property, and family allowance for decedents' estates
LB688 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change and provide provisions for abandoned vehicles
LB703 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to powers of attorney
LB711 102 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to membership on the Executive Board of the Legislative Council
LB756 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act
LB757 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Provide for nonprobate transfer on death motor vehicle certificates of title
LB757A 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB758 101 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to doctrines of cy pres and deviation and powers of personal representatives
LB759 101 Sen Wightman Passed Provide for the dissolution, winding up, and liquidation of certain professional corporations
LB760 101 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to total return trusts
LB773 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Exempt manure-spreading implements from titling and registration requirements and weight and load restrictions
LB774 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to filing for modification of child support orders
LB775 100 Sen Wightman Passed Change deputy court clerks provisions
LB776 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change fees received by registers of deeds
LB780 103 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to transfer on death deeds
LB783 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to powers of personal representatives
LB784 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change Nebraska Uniform Trust Code provisions relating to testamentary powers
LB819 103 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to future advances on mortgages or trust deeds
LB853 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change criminal law statutes to reflect Nebraska Supreme Court opinion State v. Conover, 270 Neb. 446; 703 N.W.2d 898 (2005)
LB877 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change public assistance provisions relating to postsecondary education and related work activities
LB901 101 Sen Wightman Passed Change child custody determination provisions
LB913 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change inheritance tax provisions
LB975 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to river-flow enhancement bonds
LB996 102 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to compulsory attendance
LB997 102 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to high voltage conductor safety
LB1008 100 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Provide for reassumption of the tax assessment function by counties
LB1026 101 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfers of civil actions in district court
LB1032 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change advertisement and display of credential provisions under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB1047 101 Sen Wightman Passed Provide for construction of terms in wills and trusts relating to federal laws
LB1049 103 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions for actions for recovery of title or possession of real estate or foreclosure of mortgages or deeds of trust as mortgages
LB1069 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax sales to collect delinquent property taxes
LB1070 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change eligibility provisions for petitioning on the general election ballot
LB1100 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Create a legislative advisory committee to study and report regarding health care services and health care insurance
LB1101 102 Sen Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to election of county assessors
LB1102 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change inheritance tax rates and exemption amounts
LB1103 102 Sen Wightman Indefinitely postponed Provide access to deceased family member's medical records
LR49 101 Sen Wightman Congratulate the Ravenna High School girls' basketball team for winning the Class C-2 state championship
LR55 101 Sen Wightman Congratulate the Ravenna High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2009 Class C-2 state championship
LR61 102 Sen Wightman Congratulate Principal Barry McFarland for being named the National Distinguished Principal from Nebraska for 2011
LR68 102 Sen Wightman Congratulate Dr. Bill Ohlmann for being selected as Veterinarian of the Year for 2010
LR69 102 Sen Wightman Congratulate Jackie Ohlmann for being selected as 2010 Member of the Year for the Auxiliary to the Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association
LR94 102 Sen Wightman Congratulate the Amherst High School wrestling team for winning the 2011 Class D state championship
LR108 101 Sen Wightman Posthumously honor Charles E. Bessey for his induction into the Nebraska Hall of Fame
LR120 100 Sen Wightman Interim study to examine the cost of public employee health plans at all levels of government
LR125 101 Sen Wightman Support the efforts of the United States Bureau of the Census to achieve a complete and accurate census
LR148 101 Sen Wightman Interim study to evaluate the State of Nebraska's wellness program and provide policy options
LR149 101 Sen Wightman Interim study to examine how school finance data is reported to the public and what type of information would assist the Legislature in evaluating the cost effectiveness of state aid for K-12 education
LR307 100 Sen Wightman Interim study to examine Nebraska's aid to dependent children program
LR359 102 Sen Wightman Recognize Bill Kloepping for his seventy years of service to 4-H clubs in Dawson County
LR360 102 Sen Wightman Congratulate the Sargent High School football team for winning the Class D-2 state championship
LR364 103 Sen Wightman Congratulate Superintendent John Grinde on his retirement and recognize his years of service
LR382 101 Sen Wightman Congratulate the Ravenna High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2010 Class C-2 state championship
LR383 101 Sen Wightman Congratulate the Overton High School boys' basketball team for their runner-up finish in the 2010 Class D-1 state championship
LR384 100 Sen Wightman Congratulate the Gothenburg High School Speech team for winning the 2008 Class B in the 2008 State Speech Tournament
LR392 103 Sen Wightman Congratulate the Cozad High School football team for winning the 2013 Class C-1 state championship
LR399 103 Sen Wightman Referral Recommend the enactment of comprehensive immigration reform
LR477 102 Sen Wightman Congratulate the Ravenna High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2012 Class C-2 state championship
LR488 101 Sen Wightman Interim study to analyze the provisions of LB756, a bill to adopt the Nebraska Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act, with current Nebraska law
LR513 102 Sen Wightman Referral Interim study to examine ways in which health benefit policies and contracts could provide coverage for patient-centered medical homes
LR514 102 Sen Wightman Referral Interim study to conduct a comprehensive review and revision of the laws governing the process for sales of real property for delinquent real property taxes
LR576 102 Sen Wightman Referral Interim study to conduct a review of the laws governing the powers of a court appointed representative of a deceased individual to take control of or terminate any accounts or message services that are considered digital assets