Introduced Legislation for May 20th, 2021
107th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 81
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer or, Description.
Document | Introducer | Description |
LR242 | Brewer | Urge the congressional delegation of Nebraska to pass legislation that supports farmers, ranchers, and small meat processors without compromising food safety standards and foreign market access |
LR243 | Day | Congratulate the Gretna High School girls' soccer team on winning the 2021 state championship |
LR240 | Geist | Congratulate Martha Kingsbury for being honored with the 2021 Nebraska Library Association Outstanding Volunteer Award |
LR244 | McDonnell | Recognize the seventy-fifth anniversary of Cascio's Steakhouse |
LR245 | McDonnell | Encourage individuals to check their Starlogs to encounter friends at this out-of-this-world experience in Ashland |
LR241 | Speaker Hilgers | Congratulate Bobbie Ehrlich for being named the 2021 Scottish Rite Distinguished Teacher of the Year |