Hearings for February 3rd, 2011

102nd Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 21

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
Location: Room 1507
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: Appointment
Description: von Gillern, Roger Bradford "Brad" - Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission
Document: LB234
Introducer: Fischer
Description: Change provisions relating to county office and service facilities of the Department of Health and Human Services
Document: LB254
Introducer: Campbell
Description: Provide and change requirements for instruments recorded by the register of deeds
Document: LB278
Introducer: Coash
Description: Authorize payment to county officers and employees by electronic funds transfer
Document: LB556
Introducer: Dubas
Description: Change the boundaries of Hamilton County and Merrick County
Health and Human Services
Location: Room 1510
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB507
Introducer: Harms
Description: Change Welfare Reform Act requirements relating to education for recipients of assistance
Document: LB465
Introducer: Campbell
Description: Eliminate provisions relating to eligibility of non-United-States citizens for public assistance
Document: LB467
Introducer: Campbell
Description: Change eligibility provisions relating to the medical assistance program
Document: LB468
Introducer: Campbell
Description: Change reporting provisions relating to the medical assistance program
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB147
Introducer: Hadley
Description: Change family law provisions relating to court orders, forum, child support, and visitation
Document: LB408
Introducer: Fulton
Description: Change provisions relating to divorce
Document: LB488
Introducer: Nordquist
Description: Adopt the Child Support Transparency Act
Document: LB673
Introducer: Flood
Description: Change support liens and provide for military parents and children in cases of divorce
Document: LB115
Introducer: Council
Description: Change limitation of action provisions under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act
Natural Resources
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB529
Introducer: Carlson
Description: Change provisions relating to conservation and preservation easements and the Nebraska Environmental Trust
Document: LB563
Introducer: Utter
Description: Authorize Game and Parks Commission to convey Crystal Lake State Recreation Area to the village of Ayr
Document: LB621
Introducer: Heidemann
Description: Authorize the Game and Parks Commission to convey certain property to the city of Brownville
Location: Room 1524
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB672
Introducer: Flood
Description: Provide an exemption from the documentary stamp tax
Document: LB361
Introducer: Cornett
Description: Set the salary of members of the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
Document: LB384
Introducer: Cornett
Description: Change property tax provisions and membership, powers, and duties of the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
Document: LB389
Introducer: Cornett
Description: Adopt the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act