Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Vargas, 7 in the 106th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LR442 | Sen Vargas | Adopted | Recognize the significant and important work being done by Nebraska's teachers, administrators, and support staff during the spread of COVID-19 |
LR443 | Sen Vargas | Adopted | Recognize the significant and important work being done by doctors, nurses, and first responders to care for others during the spread of COVID-19 |
LR444 | Sen Vargas | Adopted | Recognize the cultural impact of the Santa Lucia Festival and Sons of Italy |
LR447 | Sen Vargas | Adopted | Designate September 15 through October 15, 2020, as Hispanic Heritage Month in the State of Nebraska |
LR448 | Sen Vargas | Adopted | Recognize the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act |
LR451 | Sen Vargas | Adopted | Recognize and extend heartfelt sympathy to all who have been affected by COVID-19 |
LR458 | Sen Vargas | Adopted | Recognize the cultural significance of certain community events, festivals, and parades that were canceled, postponed, or otherwise affected by the spread of COVID-19 |
LR475 | Sen Vargas | Adopted | Extend sympathy to the family and friends of Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen |
LB515 | Sen Vargas | Governor Veto | Change provisions relating to the Student Discipline Act |
LB1089 | Sen Vargas | Governor Veto | Provide a high school graduation requirement relating to federal student aid |
LB50 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change individual income tax brackets and rates |
LB51 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change license applications, prohibited acts, and franchise restrictions under the Motor Vehicle Industry Regulation Act |
LB292 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education |
LB369 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Require jails, law enforcement agencies, and the Nebraska State Patrol to provide public notice before entering into agreements to enforce federal immigration law and to allow audits of noncomplying entities |
LB467 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit consideration of certain factors in redistricting |
LB531 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Create a fund and provide for a transfer of funds |
LB550 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Require voter approval of fees and taxes on wireless services and eliminate the Prepaid Wireless Surcharge Act |
LB577 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide additional powers to the Commissioner of Labor related to investigations under and violations of the Employee Classification Act |
LB667 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Youth Opportunities in Learning and Occupations Act |
LB668 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Alternative Certification for Quality Teachers Act |
LB678 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Volkswagen Settlement Cash Fund and provide duties for the Department of Environmental Quality |
LB682 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for taxing spirits as proof gallons |
LB687 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for voter registration of applicants for driver's licenses and state identification cards |
LB694 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change matching fund requirements under the Nebraska Affordable Housing Act |
LB703 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice |
LB723 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change taxes on manufacturers and wholesalers under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB724 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements for boards of directors in order to qualify for incentives under the Nebraska Advantage Act |
LB732 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Mobile Food Unit Act and change fees for a mobile food unit |
LB737 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements for an annual status report relating to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund |
LB739 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change procedures and requirements for use of restrictive housing of inmates |
LB959 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Limit habitual criminal enhancement to violent felonies |
LB1018 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB1019 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB1020 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to discrimination under the Nebraska Fair Housing Act |
LB1040 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a state food insecurity nutrition incentive grant program |
LB1050 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education |
LB1091 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Face Surveillance Privacy Act |
LB1126 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change attorney's fees, penalties, and interest provisions under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB1127 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change and provide contempt powers for the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court |
LB1128 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an exception for a claim based on bad faith and a limitation of action under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB1129 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change evasion of law provisions and ensure certain coverage under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB1147 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services regarding the youth rehabilitation and treatment centers |
LB1149 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Office of Juvenile Services |
LB1151 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine eligible student and provide for prioritization of awards under the Nebraska Opportunity Grant Act |
LB1153 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions for diploma of high school equivalency testing |
LB1155 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Middle Income Workforce Housing Investment Act and transfer funds from the General Fund |
LB1156 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a statewide school panic button program |
LB1157 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for counting Nebraska residents in Nebraska prisons for redistricting purposes |
LB1206 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Require reporting to the Nebraska Early Childhood Professional Record System |
LB1208 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to restrictive housing, immediate segregation, discipline, and other conditions of confinement in state correctional facilities |
LB1209 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a diversion program for caregivers |
LB1210 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Create the offense of sexual exploitation of a student |
LB1216 | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the H3 Rural Renewal Award Act |
LR12CA | Sen Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to change legislators' salaries |
LB310 | Sen Vargas | Passed | Change procedures for tax credits under the Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act |
LB310A | Sen Vargas | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB477 | Sen Vargas | Passed | Provide an income tax exemption for Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards |
LB477A | Sen Vargas | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB478 | Sen Vargas | Passed | Prohibit evidence of a minor's consent in any civil proceeding involving certain alleged sex offenses |
LB713 | Sen Vargas | Passed | Provide for long-term analyses from the Legislative Fiscal Analyst |
LB1148 | Sen Vargas | Passed | Provide and change requirements for reports of abuse and neglect and placement and treatment of juveniles |
LR197 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to conduct a comprehensive study of due process for inmates in restrictive housing |
LR201 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to examine the role truancy plays in the school-to-prison pipeline and explore possible alternatives to reduce truancy |
LR213 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to examine potential solutions and approaches to benefits traditionally enjoyed by workers in an employer-employee relationship |
LR217 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to examine the feasibility of developing a process for the preparation and consideration of racial impact statements on legislation |
LR251 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to conduct a review of food deserts in Nebraska and make recommendations to increase access to healthy affordable food |
LR252 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to review employment opportunities and barriers to employment for minority and at-risk populations |
LR423 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to conduct a comprehensive review of the pay plan and salary grade ranges for legislative employees |
LR424 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to conduct a comprehensive review of maternal and child mortality |
LR449 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to conduct a comprehensive review of systemic and institutional racism in Nebraska |
LR450 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to examine the Executive Order issued by the Governor regarding the law permitting the sales of alcohol for off-premises consumption, and whether the law should be amended to make the temporary waiver permanent |
LR452 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to examine career and technical education programs and opportunities |
LR459 | Sen Vargas | Referral | Interim study to review the effects of COVID-19 on the safety of workers in Nebraska |
LR22 | Sen Vargas | Recognize the contributions of Anne Boyle and extend sympathy to her family | |
LR53 | Sen Vargas | Congratulate the Omaha South High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2019 Class A state championship | |
LR121 | Sen Vargas | Recognize and thank Americorps and Senior Corps for the rapid response and for serving along Nebraskans in their time of need | |
LR122 | Sen Vargas | Congratulate Juliana Rodriguez on her scientific and educational achievements | |
LR125 | Sen Vargas | Extend sympathy to the family of Cecilia Olivarez Huerta | |
LR136 | Sen Vargas | Recognize the outstanding achievements of Noah Fant and wish him luck in his career in the National Football League | |
LR196 | Sen Vargas | Congratulate the Omaha South High School boys' soccer team on winning the 2019 Class A state championship |