Sen. Merv Riepe

P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2623
- Banking, Commerce and Insurance
- Health and Human Services
- Legislative Performance Audit
- Legislature's Planning Committee
Elected to Nebraska Legislature: 2014; 2022
Born July 16, 1942, near Griswold, Iowa.
Education: Graduate of Griswold High School, 1960; UCLA (respiratory therapy program), 1964; University of Nebraska at Omaha (B.S. in finance), 1968; University of Iowa (M.A. in health care policy and hospital management), 1970.
Military service: U.S. Navy hospital corpsman, 1960-63.
Family: Married Jody Gillispie, Nov. 2, 1996; one child with late wife Janet: Merle Riepe.
Occupation: Retired hospital executive
Former member: Ralston Board of Education; board, Mid-America Council of Scouts; board, Omaha Symphony; board, Outlook Nebraska, Inc. (chair); president’s advisory board, Nebraska Wesleyan University; board, Combined Health Agencies Drive.
Honors and awards: 2024 Public Official of the Year, Nebraska Hospital Association; fellow, American College of Healthcare Executives; 2018 Regent Bob Whitehouse Policy Champion Award.