Hearings for February 6th, 2025

109th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 21

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
Location: Room 1507
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB19
Introducer: Cavanaugh, J.
Description: Change provisions relating to elections for cities of the metropolitan class
Document: LB74
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Authorize certain expenditures under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
Document: LB32
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Change provisions relating to disclaimers on political advertisements
Health and Human Services
Location: Room 1510
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB304
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Eliminate a sunset date for the federal Child Care Subsidy program
Document: LB339
Introducer: Hallstrom
Description: Require the Department of Health and Human Services to provide a report regarding the federal Child Care Subsidy program
Document: LB46
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Establish a Restaurant Meals Program under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Document: LB102
Introducer: Spivey
Description: Change requirements relating to the standard of need under the aid to dependent children program
Document: LB192
Introducer: Quick
Description: Eliminate a sunset date under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB642
Introducer: Bostar
Description: Adopt the Artificial Intelligence Consumer Protection Act
Document: LB172
Introducer: Hardin
Description: Prohibit conduct involving computer-generated child pornography
Document: LB371
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Provide liability for computer-generated images under the Uniform Civil Remedies for Unauthorized Disclosure of Intimate Images Act
Document: LB383
Introducer: Storer
Description: Adopt the Parental Rights in Social Media Act
Natural Resources
Location: Room 1023
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB247
Introducer: DeKay
Description: Change provisions relating to fees and distribution of proceeds under the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act and uses of and transfers from the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund
Document: LB459
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Establish the Home Weatherization Clearinghouse within the Department of Environment and Energy
Document: LB396
Introducer: DeKay
Description: Change provisions relating to the form and filing of public power district budgets and audits with the Nebraska Power Review Board
This hearing will operate under annotated committee guidelines
Location: Room 1524
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB509
Introducer: Sorrentino
Description: Adopt the Opportunity Scholarships Act and provide for income tax credits