LB904 - Change provisions regarding child care reimbursement rates, create the Intergenerational Care Facility Incentive Grant Program, and provide for use of the Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund

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  • Please refer to the detailed view for current progress.
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History   View Details


History   View Details

Date Description Journal Vote
Apr 25, 2024 Provisions/portions of LB1178 amended into LB904 by AM2734 0
Apr 18, 2024 DeKay explanation of vote 1793
Apr 18, 2024 Approved by Governor on April 15, 2024 1792
Apr 11, 2024 Presented to Governor on April 11, 2024 1789
Apr 11, 2024 President/Speaker signed 1753
Apr 11, 2024 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1740 Vote
Apr 11, 2024 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1740
Apr 09, 2024 Placed on Final Reading 1553
Apr 05, 2024 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1541
Apr 05, 2024 Enrollment and Review ER87 adopted 1541
Mar 13, 2024 Enrollment and Review ER87 filed 1023
Mar 13, 2024 Placed on Select File with ER87 1023
Mar 05, 2024 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 909 Vote
Mar 05, 2024 Health and Human Services AM2734 adopted 909 Vote
Mar 05, 2024 Bostar AM2858 withdrawn 909
Mar 04, 2024 Passed over 904
Mar 04, 2024 Bostar AM2858 pending 904
Mar 04, 2024 Bostar AM2858 to AM2734 filed 901
Mar 04, 2024 Wishart AM2775 adopted 901 Vote
Mar 04, 2024 Wishart AM2775 to AM2734 filed 900
Mar 04, 2024 Health and Human Services AM2734 pending 900
Feb 28, 2024 Health and Human Services AM2734 filed 837
Feb 28, 2024 Placed on General File with AM2734 837
Feb 15, 2024 Legislature's Planning Committee priority bill 708
Feb 06, 2024 Notice of hearing for February 14, 2024 610
Jan 08, 2024 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 277
Jan 04, 2024 Date of introduction 220




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Floor Debate March 05, 2024
Floor Debate March 04, 2024
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Floor Debate January 04, 2024