
Considered Amendment Details - LB531
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
MO148 Hunt Final Reading Recommit withdrawn 907
ST20 Enrollment and Review recorded 1650
AM1838 Brandt Amendments to AM1222 adopted 1624 Vote
AM1771 McDonnell Amendments to AM1222 adopted 1622 Vote
AM1789 Raybould Amendments to AM1222 adopted 1527 Vote
AM1757 Conrad Amendments to AM1222 adopted 1507 Vote
AM1835 Wayne Amendments to AM1222 adopted 1620 Vote
FA149 Wayne Amendments to AM1835 adopted 1621 Vote
AM1722 Cavanaugh, M. withdraw and substitute AM1835 withdrawn 1456
AM1880 McKinney Amendments to AM1222 adopted 1618 Vote
MO145 Hunt Select File Indefinitely Postpone withdrawn 907
AM1723 Cavanaugh, M. Withdraw and substitute AM1880 withdrawn 1456
ER23 Enrollment and Review adopted 1128
AM1300 McDonnell Amendments to AM1222 withdrawn 1139
MO146 Hunt Select File Recommit withdrawn 907
MO147 Hunt Select File Bracket withdrawn 907
AM864 McKinney Withdraw withdrawn 791
AM1128 Urban Affairs Committee Amendments adopted 1004 Vote
AM1222 McKinney Amendments to Committee Amendments adopted 1053 Vote
MO144 Hunt Bracket withdrawn 907
MO143 Hunt Recommit withdrawn 907
MO142 Hunt Indefinitely postpone pursuant to Rule 6 Section 3 (f) withdrawn 907