
Considered Amendment Details - LB388
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
ST82 Enrollment and Review recorded 1682
FA424 Cavanaugh, M. Select File WITHDRAW withdrawn 1594
FA439 Slama withdrawn 1643
AM3419 Linehan Select File - WITHDRAW withdrawn 1608
AM3468 Linehan adopted 1639 Vote
AM3475 Erdman Amendments to AM3468 lost 1641 Vote
FA447 Conrad Amendments to AM3468 lost 1641 Vote
AM3473 Day Amendments to AM3468 lost 1640 Vote
FA329 Bostar Amendments to Committee Amendments not considered 1430
AM3292 Linehan Amendments to Committee Amendments not considered 1429
AM3298 Lowe Amendments to Committee Amendments - Select File not considered 1397
AM3248 Slama Amendments to Committee Amendments - Select File not considered 1393
AM3268 Blood Amendments to Committee Amendments not considered 1340
AM3252 Meyer Amendments to Committee Amendments not considered 1335
AM3239 Cavanaugh, J. Amendments to Committee Amendments not considered 1335
AM3243 Cavanaugh, J. Amendments to Committee Amendments not considered 1335
AM3242 Dungan Amendments to Committee Amendments - Select File not considered 1335
FA446 Bostar Amendments to AM3468 withdrawn 1640
FA445 Hughes Amendments to AM3468 adopted 1639 Vote
FA444 Slama Amendments to AM3468 lost 1639 Vote
MO1334 Linehan Bracket - Select File not considered 1454
MO1333 Linehan Recommit - Select File not considered 1454
MO1332 Linehan Indefinitely Postpone not considered 1454
MO552 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket not considered 959
MO551 Cavanaugh, M. Recommit not considered 958
FA327 Cavanaugh, M. Select File withdrawn 1397
MO553 Cavanaugh, M. Select File Indefinitely postpone withdrawn 958
MO554 Cavanaugh, M. Select File Recommit withdrawn 958
MO555 Cavanaugh, M. Select File Bracket withdrawn 959
ER122 Enrollment and Review adopted 1453
AM3203 Revenue Committee Amendments not considered 1312
MO1320 Slama Reconsider failed 1426 Vote
MO1321 Linehan Cloture prevailed 1426 Vote
MO550 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postpone pursuant to Rule 6 Section 3(f) failed 958 Vote