
Considered Amendment Details - LB71
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
ST65 Enrollment and Review recorded 1552
AM3312 Hardin Amendments to Committee Amendments adopted 1509 Vote
AM3284 Sanders Amendments to Committee Amendments adopted 1393 Vote
MO235 Hunt Final Reading Recommit withdrawn 928
MO234 Hunt Select File Bracket withdrawn 928
MO233 Hunt Select File Recommit withdrawn 928
MO232 Hunt Select File Indefinitely postpone withdrawn 928
ER112 Enrollment and Review adopted 1368
AM257 Murman Withdraw withdrawn 468
AM256 Murman Withdraw withdrawn 468
AM255 Murman Withdraw withdrawn 468
AM254 Murman withdrawn 468
AM253 Murman Withdraw withdrawn 468
AM252 Murman Withdraw withdrawn 468
AM833 Education Committee Amendments adopted 808 Vote
AM3020 Murman Amendments to Committee Amendments withdrawn 1192
AM2589 Conrad Amendment to Committee Amendments adopted 771 Vote
MO231 Hunt Bracket withdrawn 928
MO230 Hunt Recommit withdrawn 928
MO229 Hunt Indefinitely postpone pursuant to Rule 6 Section 3(f) withdrawn 927