Introduced Legislation for January 14th, 2015

104th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 6

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer or, Description.
Document Introducer Description
LB256 Bloomfield Change the sales tax rate and the distribution of sales tax revenue
LB243 Bolz Create a pilot project relating to family finding services and change the Young Adult Bridge to Independence Act
LB265 Campbell Change provisions relating to juveniles and child welfare
LB268 Chambers Eliminate the death penalty and change and eliminate provisions relating to sentencing
LB236 Coash Change and eliminate provisions relating to collection of judgments and public retirement plans
LB237 Coash Appropriate funds for correctional facilities
LR25 Coash Congratulate Kadynce Mullins for being crowned the 2014 National American Miss Nebraska Princess
LB266 Crawford Change provisions relating to jurisdiction for municipalities to enforce ordinances
LB272 Crawford Create a voluntary veterans preference in private employment
LB267 Crawford Change the income tax exemption for military retirement income
LB280 Davis Authorize a school-funding surtax and reduce the levy authority of school districts and learning communities
LB270 Ebke Create and eliminate funds administered by the Department of Labor
LB271 Ebke Change and eliminate provisions of the Employment Security Law
LB275 Friesen Change penalties for operating a motor vehicle during a revocation period
LB261 Gloor Change revenue and taxation provisions
LB260 Gloor Authorize the Property Tax Administrator to correct certain errors
LB259 Gloor Adopt the Personal Property Tax Relief Act and provide and change tax exemptions and taxation of personal property
LB238 Groene Change provisions relating to tax-increment financing under the Community Development Law
LB239 Haar Provide for a Coordinator for Educator Effectiveness and educator evaluation
LB240 Hansen Change the termination date of the Behavioral Health Screening and Referral Pilot Program
LB274 Hansen Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education for mentor teacher programs
LB276 Harr Exempt certified independent contractors from the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB278 Harr Exempt motor vehicle washing and waxing services from sales and use tax
LB277 Harr Change tax deed lien priority
LB269 Hughes Change a requirement regarding the preparation and distribution of a roster of registered abstracters
LB262 Johnson Eliminate refund provisions under the Dairy Industry Development Act
LB263 Johnson Appropriate funds to the Nebraska State Historical Society
LB250 Larson Eliminate time restrictions on keno
LB254 Morfeld Adopt the Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Act
LB253 Morfeld Change acknowledgment requirements relating to homesteads
LB264 Morfeld Provide for issuance of credentials under the Uniform Credentialing Act based on military education, training, or experience
LB255 Morfeld Provide income tax credits for apprenticeships
LR24 Murante Congratulate Gretna High School for winning the 2014 Class A One-Act Play state championship
LB257 Nordquist Require insurers to provide descriptions relating to telehealth and telemonitoring
LB258 Nordquist Adopt the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact
LB251 Nordquist Adopt the Veterans Subsidized Training and Employment Act
LB244 Pansing Brooks Change provisions relating to motions for new trial based upon discovery of new evidence
LB245 Pansing Brooks Change provisions relating to motions for new trial and DNA testing of biological material
LR23 Riepe Urge the United States Dept. of Veterans Affairs to provide veterans with direct access to health care services in each local community in Nebraska
LB279 Schumacher Change provisions and fees relating to business entity reinstatement
LB252 Schumacher Change provisions relating to registration by coordination and federal covered securities under the Securities Act of Nebraska
LB241 Stinner Change provisions relating to conveyances of cemetery lots
LB242 Stinner Change provisions of the Dry Bean Resources Act
LB273 Sullivan Authorize voters to decide partisan status of county offices
LB249 Sullivan Exempt horses from sales and use taxes
LB246 Sullivan Redefine a term under the Nebraska Advantage Microenterprise Tax Credit Act
LB248 Sullivan Prohibit use of interactive wireless devices by school bus drivers as prescribed
LB247 Sullivan Change an interest rate provision in the Uniform Partnership Act of 1998