Hearings for February 21st, 2014

103rd Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 30

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
Location: Room 1507
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LR393CA
Introducer: Murante
Description: Constitutional amendment to change signature requirements for initiative petitions
Document: LR395
Introducer: Brasch
Description: Recognize February 10, 2014, as the 60th anniversary of the addition of the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance
Document: LR411CA
Introducer: Karpisek
Description: Authorize municipalities and counties to exercise powers in matters of local concern and to eliminate home rule charters
Health and Human Services
Location: Room 1510
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LR422
Introducer: Campbell
Description: Provide the Health and Human Services Committee, in cooperation with the Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee, be designated to develop policy recommendations towards transformation of Nebraska's health care system
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB808
Introducer: Conrad
Description: Change provisions of the Legal Education for Public Service Loan Repayment Act and transfer funds from the State Settlement Cash Fund
Document: LB927
Introducer: Nordquist
Description: Provide that judges retirement fees cannot be waived
Document: LB1015
Introducer: Kintner
Description: Include certain fire and rescue departments under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act
Document: LB893
Introducer: Seiler
Description: Change the amount recoverable under the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act
Document: LB862
Introducer: Lathrop
Description: Change the amount recoverable under the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act
Natural Resources
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1003
Introducer: Kolowski
Description: Provide for natural resources districts to issue general obligation bonds