Journal Summary for March 8th, 2022
107th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 37
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Document | Description | Journal Page |
LB376A | Cavanaugh, M. AM2172 filed | 756 |
LB436 | Enrollment and Review ER120 adopted | 760 |
LB436 | Hansen, B. AM2157 filed | 760 |
LB436 | Hansen, B. AM2157 adopted | 760 |
LB436 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 761 |
LB450 | Placed on Final Reading with ST45 | 741 |
LB450A | McKinney AM2148 withdrawn | 759 |
LB450A | Returned to Select File for specific amendment | 759 |
LB450A | McKinney AM2196 filed | 759 |
LB450A | McKinney AM2196 adopted | 759 |
LB450A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 759 |
LB567 | Passed on Final Reading 42-0-7 | 747 |
LB567 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LB567 | Presented to Governor on March 8, 2022 | 757 |
LB697 | Health and Human Services AM1613 adopted | 751 |
LB697 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 751 |
LB698 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 760 |
LB698A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 758 |
LB704 | Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 | 748 |
LB704 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LB704 | Presented to Governor on March 8, 2022 | 757 |
LB707 | Placed on Select File with ER127 | 739 |
LB707 | Enrollment and Review ER127 filed | 739 |
LB707 | Flood AM2205 filed | 767 |
LB717 | McDonnell AM2061 filed | 763 |
LB717 | McDonnell AM2061 adopted | 764 |
LB717 | Friesen AM2079 filed | 764 |
LB717 | Friesen AM2079 lost | 764 |
LB717 | Clements FA73 filed | 768 |
LB717 | Clements FA73 lost | 768 |
LB717 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 768 |
LB749 | Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 43-0-6 | 748 |
LB749 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LB749 | Presented to Governor on March 8, 2022 | 757 |
LB752 | Placed on Select File with ER131 | 740 |
LB752 | Enrollment and Review ER131 filed | 740 |
LB769 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 761 |
LB773 | Brewer MO151 prevailed | 769 |
LB773 | Placed on General File | 769 |
LB780 | Enrollment and Review ER123 adopted | 762 |
LB780 | Wayne AM2156 filed | 762 |
LB780 | Wayne AM2156 adopted | 763 |
LB780 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 763 |
LB781 | Jacobson name added | 757 |
LB786 | Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 | 749 |
LB786 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LB786 | Presented to Governor on March 8, 2022 | 757 |
LB791 | Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 | 750 |
LB791 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LB791 | Presented to Governor on March 8, 2022 | 757 |
LB795 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 751 |
LB804 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 760 |
LB804A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 758 |
LB805 | Placed on Select File with ER130 | 740 |
LB805 | Enrollment and Review ER130 filed | 740 |
LB805A | Date of introduction | 744 |
LB805A | Placed on General File | 744 |
LB807 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 752 |
LB809A | Date of introduction | 744 |
LB809A | Placed on General File | 744 |
LB815 | Placed on General File | 755 |
LB820 | Hansen, M. AM2147 adopted | 760 |
LB820 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 760 |
LB824 | Health and Human Services AM1604 adopted | 751 |
LB824 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 751 |
LB829 | Placed on General File | 752 |
LB830 | Placed on General File | 752 |
LB840 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 760 |
LB847 | Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 | 750 |
LB847 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LB847 | Presented to Governor on March 8, 2022 | 757 |
LB848 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 761 |
LB851 | Placed on General File with AM2102 | 752 |
LB851 | Judiciary AM2102 filed | 752 |
LB863 | Placed on Select File with ER129 | 740 |
LB863 | Enrollment and Review ER129 filed | 740 |
LB864 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 761 |
LB887 | Enrollment and Review ER121 adopted | 760 |
LB887 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 760 |
LB896 | Placed on Select File with ER128 | 741 |
LB896 | Enrollment and Review ER128 filed | 741 |
LB907 | Placed on General File | 752 |
LB917 | Placed on Select File | 741 |
LB917 | Wayne AM2204 filed | 769 |
LB917A | Placed on Select File | 741 |
LB925 | Enrollment and Review ER108 adopted | 763 |
LB925 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 763 |
LB925A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 763 |
LB933 | Briese name added | 757 |
LB933 | Dorn name added | 758 |
LB933 | Jacobson name added | 758 |
LB933 | Brewer name added | 758 |
LB933 | Albrecht AM2207 filed | 768 |
LB933 | Linehan name added | 769 |
LB964 | Blood name added | 758 |
LB964 | McDonnell AM2146 filed | 766 |
LB964 | McDonnell AM2146 adopted | 768 |
LB964 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 768 |
LB998 | Enrollment and Review ER124 adopted | 761 |
LB998 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 761 |
LB1007 | Placed on General File with AM2099 | 741 |
LB1007 | Health and Human Services AM2099 filed | 741 |
LB1037 | Arch AM2149 filed | 765 |
LB1037 | Enrollment and Review ER110 adopted | 768 |
LB1037 | Wayne AM2047 withdrawn | 768 |
LB1037 | Arch AM2149 adopted | 768 |
LB1037 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 768 |
LB1037A | Arch AM2193 filed | 758 |
LB1037A | Arch AM2193 adopted | 758 |
LB1037A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 759 |
LB1057 | Placed on General File with AM2164 | 753 |
LB1057 | Education AM2164 filed | 753 |
LB1065 | Enrollment and Review ER125 adopted | 761 |
LB1065 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 761 |
LB1086 | Briese name added | 758 |
LB1086 | Jacobson name added | 758 |
LB1099 | Placed on Final Reading with ST44 | 741 |
LB1102A | Date of introduction | 744 |
LB1102A | Placed on General File | 744 |
LB1102A | Bostelman AM2212 filed | 765 |
LB1112 | McKinney AM2101 adopted | 759 |
LB1112 | Education AM1942 adopted | 760 |
LB1112 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 760 |
LB1124 | Placed on General File with AM2138 | 752 |
LB1124 | Judiciary AM2138 filed | 752 |
LB1144 | Placed on General File with AM2107 | 753 |
LB1144 | Transportation and Telecommunications AM2107 filed | 753 |
LB1147 | Friesen AM1997 adopted | 752 |
LB1147 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 752 |
LB1173 | Enrollment and Review ER117 adopted | 761 |
LB1173 | Hunt AM2200 filed | 761 |
LB1173 | Hunt AM2200 adopted | 762 |
LB1173 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 762 |
LB1236 | Enrollment and Review ER118 adopted | 762 |
LB1236 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 762 |
LB1241A | Date of introduction | 757 |
LB1241A | Placed on General File | 757 |
LB1246 | Placed on Select File with ER126 | 739 |
LB1246 | Enrollment and Review ER126 filed | 739 |
LB1246 | Enrollment and Review ER126 adopted | 761 |
LB1246 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 761 |
LB1250 | Placed on General File with AM2186 | 755 |
LB1250 | Revenue AM2186 filed | 755 |
LB1273 | Placed on Select File with ER132 | 741 |
LB1273 | Enrollment and Review ER132 filed | 741 |
LB1273A | Placed on Select File | 741 |
LR102 | Notice of hearing for March 16, 2022 | 757 |
LR283CA | Pansing Brooks name added | 758 |
LR283CA | Morfeld name added | 758 |
LR283CA | Jacobson name added | 758 |
LR283CA | Hansen, M. name added | 758 |
LR283CA | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 761 |
LR304 | Adopted | 752 |
LR304 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LR306 | Adopted | 752 |
LR306 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LR308 | Adopted | 752 |
LR308 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LR309 | Adopted | 752 |
LR309 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LR310 | Adopted | 752 |
LR310 | President/Speaker signed | 752 |
LR317 | Arch name added | 758 |
LR317 | Kolterman name added | 758 |
LR318 | Date of introduction | 743 |
LR318 | Laid over | 743 |
LR319 | Date of introduction | 755 |
LR319 | Laid over | 756 |
LR320 | Date of introduction | 764 |
LR320 | Laid over | 765 |