Considered Amendment Details - LB814

Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal
MO1158 Wayne Override line-item veto withdrawn 1843
MO1157 Conrad override line-item veto failed 1807
MO1156 Conrad Override line-item veto failed 1807
MO1155 Walz Override line-item veto failed 1806
MO1148 Dungan Override line-item veto failed 1752
MO1149 Appropriations Override line-item veto prevailed 1760
MO1151 Appropriations Override line-item veto failed 1760
MO1150 Appropriations Override line-item veto failed 1760
AM1800 Cavanaugh, M. Final Reading not considered 1557
AM1740 Cavanaugh, M. Final Reading not considered 1454
MO1093 Arch Cloture prevailed 1573
MO1082 Clements Recommit withdrawn 1557
ST19 Enrollment and Review recorded 1490
MO1039 Arch Cloture prevailed 1453
AM1715 Hansen, B. Amendments to ER Amendments withdrawn 1453
AM1714 Hansen, B. Amendments to ER Amendments lost 1452
AM1663 Wayne Amendments to ER Amendments adopted 1427
AM1671 Conrad Amendments to ER Amendments withdrawn 1449
FA112 Wayne Amendments to AM1653 adopted 1449
AM1653 Wayne Amendments to ER Amendments adopted 1428
AM1604 Hansen, B. Withdraw withdrawn 1433
AM1578 Hansen, B. Withdraw withdrawn 1343
AM1673 Clements Withdraw withdrawn 1431
AM1736 Clements Amendments to AM1730 adopted 1449
AM1734 Jacobson Amendments to ER Amendments adopted 1448
AM1668 McKinney Amendments to ER Amendments adopted 1401
AM1662 DeBoer Amendments to ER Amendments adopted 1425
AM1730 Clements Amendments to ER Amendments adopted 1443
ER31 Enrollment and Review adopted 1385
AM915 Appropriations Committee Amendments adopted 1318
MO1012 Arch Cloture prevailed 1348
FA85 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to Committee Amendments lost 1348
AM1597 Cavanaugh, M. Amendment to Committee Amendments lost 1347
AM1605 McKinney Amendments to Committee Amendments adopted 1346
AM1599 McKinney Amendments to Committee Amendments lost 1344
AM1596 Wayne Amendments to Committee Amendments adopted 1344
AM1545 Wayne Withdraw and substitute with AM1596 withdrawn 1329
AM1588 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to Committee Amendments withdrawn 1344
AM1589 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to Committee Amendments lost 1343
AM1568 McDonnell Amendments to Committee Amendments adopted 1343
AM1573 Linehan Amendments to Committee Amendments withdrawn 1342
AM1581 Dungan Amendments to Committee Amendments adopted 1340
AM1548 Cavanaugh, J. Amendments to Committee Amendments lost 1326