Considered Amendment Details - LB1013

Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal
MO219 Stinner Motion to override prevailed 1153
MO191 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket failed 1063
MO192 Stinner Cloture prevailed 1072
AM2252 Lathrop Select file amendment lost 787
AM2256 Lathrop Amendments to AM2252 lost 787
MO182 Stinner Cloture prevailed 978
MO181 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket withdrawn 978
AM2001 Appropriations adopted 813
FA80 Lathrop Amendments to Standing Committee amendments lost 786
MO167 Stinner Cloture prevailed 899
MO166 Wayne Recommit withdrawn 899
MO152 Wayne Indefinitely postpone failed 805