Considered Amendment Details - LB432

Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal
FA58 Cavanaugh, M. not considered 1657
MO107 Linehan Cloture prevailed 1657
FA57 Cavanaugh, M. withdrawn 1656
MO106 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket withdrawn 1656
MO105 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket withdrawn 1656
MO103 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket withdrawn 1656
FA56 Cavanaugh, M. not considered 1656
ST25 McKinney, 11, Chairman Enrollment and Review adopted 0
AM1374 Linehan Amendments to E&R Amendments adopted 1380
AM1370 McDonnell Amendments to E&R Amendments adopted 1375
FA45 Cavanaugh, M. lost 1375
AM1346 Cavanaugh, J. Amendments to E&R Amendments withdrawn 1372
AM1182 Linehan Amendments to E&R Amendments adopted 1371
AM1313 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to E&R Amendments lost 1366
AM1127 Williams Select File Amendment adopted 1138
AM1080 Linehan Withdraw withdrawn 1134
ER76 Enrollment and Review adopted 1177
AM1156 Revenue withdrawn 1145
AM1157 Revenue adopted 1144
AM1151 Revenue adopted 1144
AM1150 Revenue adopted 1142
AM774 Revenue divided 773
FA33 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to Committee Amendments withdrawn 1138
AM1136 Hansen, M. Amendments to Committee Amendments withdrawn 1138
MO48 Cavanaugh, M. Recommit withdrawn 1137
AM1132 Friesen Amendments to Committee Amendments failed 1134
AM1058 Blood Amendments to Committee Amendments withdrawn 1133
AM1110 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to Committee Amendments withdrawn 1119