Document |
Primary Introducer |
Status |
Description |
LB149 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
State intent regarding appropriations and rebasing rates under the medical assistance program |
LB31 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require train crews of at least two individuals as prescribed |
LB434 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require the Department of Health and Human Services to enroll long-term care hospitals as providers under the medical assistance program and submission of a state plan amendment or waiver |
LB281 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require the Department of Economic Development to provide grants for youth outdoor education camp facilities |
LB1110 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require dental plan carriers to meet a minimum dental loss ratio and provide a report to the Department of Insurance as prescribed |
LR50 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Recognize March 2023 as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month in Nebraska |
LR308 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Recognize March 10 through March 16, 2024, as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week in Nebraska |
LB69 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide requirements for life insurance policies |
LB433 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide requirements for distribution of funding for behavioral health regions |
LB960 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide powers and duties for the State Athletic Commissioner relating to the regulation of certain professional and amateur martial arts, kickboxing, and boxing sparring matches and exhibitions |
LB1260 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide authority for public power and irrigation district directors to take action on certain agreements in which they have an interest |
LR431 |
Sen Jacobson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the roles of various entities in the pharmaceutical supply chain |
LR432 |
Sen Jacobson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the impact of digital asset data mining on Nebraska public power districts, electric ratepayers, and communities |
LR171 |
Sen Jacobson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the cost and needed frequency of rebasing medicaid inpatient per diem rates for psychiatric facilities, hospital-based psychiatric units, and psychiatric residential facilities |
LR242 |
Sen Jacobson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine methods to promote the development of a competitive electric vehicle charging market in Nebraska and the creation of electric infrastructure to support such market |
LR113 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate the Wallace FFA on placing third in the Food Science and Technology Event at the ninety-fifth annual Nebraska FFA State Convention |
LR112 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate the Wallace FFA on placing second in the Livestock Management Event at the ninety-fifth annual Nebraska FFA State Convention |
LR46 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate the Thomas County Airport on being named the Division of Aeronautics of the Dept. of Transportation 2022 Airport of the Year |
LR110 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate the Stapleton FFA on placing second in the Environmental and Natural Resources Event at the ninety-fifth annual Nebraska FFA State Convention |
LR111 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate the North Platte FFA on placing third in the Agriscience Event at the ninety-fifth annual Nebraska FFA State Convention |
LR114 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate the Hershey FFA on placing first in the Marketing Plan Event at the ninety-fifth annual Nebraska FFA State Convention |
LR329 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate Ralph and Beverly Holzfaster for their induction into the Nebraska Business Hall of Fame |
LR60 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate Kara Hahn on receiving the 2022 Nebraska Elementary School Counselor of the Year and 2023 Nebraska School Counselor of the Year awards |
LR327 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate Jerry and Sharon Connealy of Whitman, Nebraska, on being named 2023 Angus Heritage Foundation inductees |
LR328 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate Greg Wright for receiving a Nebraska National Forest and Grassland Regional Forester Award |
LR462 |
Sen Jacobson |
Adopted |
Congratulate Fred Hoiberg on being named the 2023-24 Big Ten Co-Coach of the Year |
LB850 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change the authorized use of certain Federal Funds for housing |
LB32 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change requirements for issuers of medicare supplement insurance policies or certificates relating to coverage of individuals under sixty-five years of age who are eligible for medicare by reason of disability or end-stage renal disease |
LB33 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to the powers of mayors in certain cities and eliminate obsolete 2020 redistricting provisions |
LB628 |
Sen Jacobson |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to limited liability companies and professional corporations |
LB851 |
Sen Jacobson |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to internship grants |
LB849 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to insurance rate adjustments |
LB853 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions |
LB674 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to digital asset depositories |
LB852 |
Sen Jacobson |
Passed |
Change provisions of the Medicare Supplement Insurance Minimum Standards Act |
LB98 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions of the Community Development Law relating to substandard and blighted declarations and expedited reviews of redevelopment plans |
LB148 |
Sen Jacobson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change powers and duties of the State Racing and Gaming Commission related to licensed racetrack enclosures and change dates related to the required market analysis and socioeconomic-impact studies |
LB854 |
Sen Jacobson |
Passed |
Change examination eligibility, certification, and permitting requirements relating to certified public accountants |
LB1087A |
Sen Jacobson |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB1087 |
Sen Jacobson |
Passed |
Adopt the Hospital Quality Assurance and Access Assessment Act and provide duties for the Nebraska Center for Nursing |