Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Jacobson, 42 in the 108th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB149 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations and rebasing rates under the medical assistance program
LB31 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Require train crews of at least two individuals as prescribed
LB434 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Health and Human Services to enroll long-term care hospitals as providers under the medical assistance program and submission of a state plan amendment or waiver
LB281 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Economic Development to provide grants for youth outdoor education camp facilities
LB1110 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Require dental plan carriers to meet a minimum dental loss ratio and provide a report to the Department of Insurance as prescribed
LR50 Sen Jacobson Adopted Recognize March 2023 as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month in Nebraska
LR308 Sen Jacobson Adopted Recognize March 10 through March 16, 2024, as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week in Nebraska
LB69 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for life insurance policies
LB433 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for distribution of funding for behavioral health regions
LB960 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Provide powers and duties for the State Athletic Commissioner relating to the regulation of certain professional and amateur martial arts, kickboxing, and boxing sparring matches and exhibitions
LB1260 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Provide authority for public power and irrigation district directors to take action on certain agreements in which they have an interest
LR431 Sen Jacobson Referral Interim study to examine the roles of various entities in the pharmaceutical supply chain
LR432 Sen Jacobson Referral Interim study to examine the impact of digital asset data mining on Nebraska public power districts, electric ratepayers, and communities
LR171 Sen Jacobson Referral Interim study to examine the cost and needed frequency of rebasing medicaid inpatient per diem rates for psychiatric facilities, hospital-based psychiatric units, and psychiatric residential facilities
LR242 Sen Jacobson Referral Interim study to examine methods to promote the development of a competitive electric vehicle charging market in Nebraska and the creation of electric infrastructure to support such market
LR113 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate the Wallace FFA on placing third in the Food Science and Technology Event at the ninety-fifth annual Nebraska FFA State Convention
LR112 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate the Wallace FFA on placing second in the Livestock Management Event at the ninety-fifth annual Nebraska FFA State Convention
LR46 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate the Thomas County Airport on being named the Division of Aeronautics of the Dept. of Transportation 2022 Airport of the Year
LR110 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate the Stapleton FFA on placing second in the Environmental and Natural Resources Event at the ninety-fifth annual Nebraska FFA State Convention
LR111 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate the North Platte FFA on placing third in the Agriscience Event at the ninety-fifth annual Nebraska FFA State Convention
LR114 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate the Hershey FFA on placing first in the Marketing Plan Event at the ninety-fifth annual Nebraska FFA State Convention
LR329 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate Ralph and Beverly Holzfaster for their induction into the Nebraska Business Hall of Fame
LR60 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate Kara Hahn on receiving the 2022 Nebraska Elementary School Counselor of the Year and 2023 Nebraska School Counselor of the Year awards
LR327 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate Jerry and Sharon Connealy of Whitman, Nebraska, on being named 2023 Angus Heritage Foundation inductees
LR328 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate Greg Wright for receiving a Nebraska National Forest and Grassland Regional Forester Award
LR462 Sen Jacobson Adopted Congratulate Fred Hoiberg on being named the 2023-24 Big Ten Co-Coach of the Year
LB850 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change the authorized use of certain Federal Funds for housing
LB32 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for issuers of medicare supplement insurance policies or certificates relating to coverage of individuals under sixty-five years of age who are eligible for medicare by reason of disability or end-stage renal disease
LB33 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the powers of mayors in certain cities and eliminate obsolete 2020 redistricting provisions
LB628 Sen Jacobson Passed Change provisions relating to limited liability companies and professional corporations
LB851 Sen Jacobson Passed Change provisions relating to internship grants
LB849 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to insurance rate adjustments
LB853 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions
LB674 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to digital asset depositories
LB852 Sen Jacobson Passed Change provisions of the Medicare Supplement Insurance Minimum Standards Act
LB98 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Community Development Law relating to substandard and blighted declarations and expedited reviews of redevelopment plans
LB148 Sen Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change powers and duties of the State Racing and Gaming Commission related to licensed racetrack enclosures and change dates related to the required market analysis and socioeconomic-impact studies
LB854 Sen Jacobson Passed Change examination eligibility, certification, and permitting requirements relating to certified public accountants
LB1087A Sen Jacobson Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1087 Sen Jacobson Passed Adopt the Hospital Quality Assurance and Access Assessment Act and provide duties for the Nebraska Center for Nursing