Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Bostelman, 23 in the 106th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB831 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Change certificate of title provisions for a junked vehicle
LB698 Sen Bostelman Passed Change load provisions and penalties for commercial motor vehicles and commercial trailers
LB1002 Sen Bostelman Passed Change provisions regarding emergency medical services, medical nutrition therapy, juvenile psychiatric units and facilities, and wholesale drug distribution
LB696 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to Military Honor Plates
LB893 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to emergency care providers and provide for community paramedicine and critical care paramedics
LB699 Sen Bostelman Passed Change provisions relating to transporter plates
LB366 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Change registration fee for alternative fuel-powered motor vehicles
LR431 Sen Bostelman Adopted Congratulate Mike Meyer on his retirement from the Lincoln Fire and Rescue after thirty years of service to his community
LR45 Sen Bostelman Resolution Congratulate the Bishop Neumann High School girls' basketball team for winning the Class C-1 state championship
LB1201 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Create the Flood Mitigation and Planning Task Force
LB697 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a fee for issuance of military related license plates
LR203 Sen Bostelman Resolution Extend thanks to the Federal Management Agency, the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, and the emergency managers for their outstanding leadership and support during the flooding and recovery
LR162 Sen Bostelman Referral Interim study to examine issues impacting volunteer emergency medical personnel
LR227 Sen Bostelman Referral Interim study to examine the future of nuclear-generated electricity in Nebraska
LB279 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for food sold by veterans service organizations
LB278 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Provide a veteran notation on an operator's license or a state identification card for certain commissioned officers as prescribed
LB700 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Provide for decommissioning and reclamation of a wind energy conversion system
LB325 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Provide for motor vehicle tax exemptions for one hundred percent service-connected disability compensation rated veterans and dependency and indemnity compensation recipients
LB832 Sen Bostelman Passed Provide immunity from civil liability for entering a vehicle to remove a child
LB701 Sen Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Require billing for emergency medical services