Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Hughes, 44 in the 106th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB803 Sen Hughes Passed Adopt the Dry Pea and Lentil Resources Act
LB1071 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Wildlife Damage Recovery Act
LB632A Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB719A Sen Hughes Passed Appropriation Bill
LB803A Sen Hughes Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1072 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Authorize certain natural resources districts to issue flood protection bonds and use bond proceeds as prescribed
LB860 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change Game and Parks Commission district limits and designations as prescribed
LB227 Sen Hughes Passed Change provisions governing determination of a public or private nuisance under the Nebraska Right to Farm Act
LB861 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act with respect to consumer merchandise and containers
LB858 Sen Hughes Passed Change provisions of the Municipal Cooperative Financing Act, the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Act, the Niobrara Scenic River Act, and the Nebraska Litter Reduction and Recycling Act
LB859 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to qualifications and terms of office for certain Game and Parks Commission members
LB632 Sen Hughes Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Natural Resources Commission, the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act, the regulation of containers, and utility discontinuance and reconnection and to develop a state flood mitigation plan
LR89 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Adair Reese for being crowned Mrs. Nebraska for 2019
LR51 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Beau Wood on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR52 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Jarin Tines on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR291 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Jozie Schilke for winning the Most Outstanding Member award at the Ninety-Second National FFA Convention
LR50 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Matthew Aerni on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR49 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Samuel McArtor on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR35 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Sehnert's Bakery and Bieroc Cafe on winning the 2019 James Beard Foundation Award for America's Classics
LR290 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate the Imperial Chapter of the National FFA Organization for winning the National Parliamentary Procedure Leadership Development Event at the Ninety-Second National FFA Convention
LB368 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Eliminate overappropriated river basins, subbasins, and reaches
LB367 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to fund transfers and change a termination date under the Nebraska Litter Reduction and Recycling Act
LR142 Sen Hughes Referral Interim study to examine any matter concerning the Game and Parks Commission
LR114 Sen Hughes Referral Interim study to examine conditions under which the board of directors of the Nebraska Cooperative Republican Platte Enhancement Project and the Rock Creek augmentation project may dispose of real property each owns related to the projects
LR446 Sen Hughes Referral Interim study to review the rulemaking process, implementation, and impact of the most recent rule and policy changes considered or implemented by the Game and Parks Commission regarding Lake McConaughy and Lake Ogallala state recreation areas
LB863 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Limit ownership of land by the Game and Parks Commission
LB302 Sen Hughes Passed Merge the State Energy Office with and rename the Department of Environmental Quality
LB228 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain insurance practices relating to a person's status as a living organ donor
LB862 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Prohibit possession by minors of tobacco and nicotine products
LB143 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Prohibit throwing or dropping dangerous instruments on motor vehicles
LB899 Sen Hughes Passed Provide certain powers for public power districts relating to fuels and fuel byproducts
LB128 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Provide for Wildlife Conservation Plates
LB126 Sen Hughes Passed Provide for additional limited landowner deer hunting permits
LB719 Sen Hughes Passed Provide for reporting to the National Motor Vehicle Title Information system for wreckers and salvage dealers
LB144 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Provide for voter approval of nonpartisan nomination and partisan election of county officers
LR82 Sen Hughes Resolution Recognize April 8, 2019, as Lineworker Appreciation Day in Nebraska
LR91 Sen Hughes Resolution Recognize Randy Hayes for his commitment to the arts and the education of students in Chase County and congratulate him on his retirement
LB127 Sen Hughes Passed Redefine immediate family for purposes of limited permits for hunting
LB802 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed State a legislative finding and declaration relating to the right to use ground water