Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for McCollister, 20 in the 104th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB1032 Sen McCollister Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Transitional Health Insurance Program Act and provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services
LB851A Sen McCollister Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1032A Sen McCollister Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB745 Sen McCollister Passed Change Game and Parks Commission fee and permit provisions
LB157 Sen McCollister Passed Change operative date provisions relating to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act
LB880 Sen McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to Military Honor Plates
LB354 Sen McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to crime victims and witnesses
LB409 Sen McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to landlords and tenants
LB563 Sen McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to school fiscal year
LB851 Sen McCollister Passed Change the Taxpayer Transparency Act
LB587 Sen McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change the motor vehicle tax schedules
LR465 Sen McCollister Resolution Congratulate Donna D'Ottavio, Gary Brown, Mikayla Mancuso, Alysen Hansen, Sarah Ulsher, and Cyndi Mattson for being named outstanding volunteers by the Nebraska Library Association
LR110 Sen McCollister Resolution Congratulate the Omaha Westside High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2015 Class A state championship
LB915 Sen McCollister Indefinitely postponed Create a veterans' treatment court pilot project
LB158 Sen McCollister Indefinitely postponed Deny compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act in situations of false representation
LR575 Sen McCollister Referral Interim study to continue the ongoing study of access to healthcare in Nebraska
LR574 Sen McCollister Referral Interim study to examine aspects of Nebraska's medicaid program that include share of cost or resource spend down components
LR306 Sen McCollister Referral Interim study to examine ways in which medicaid expansion could be implemented in Nebraska under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for medical assistance for newly eligible individuals
LR281 Sen McCollister Referral Interim study to review issues concerning the dates on which the fiscal year for Nebraska's public schools begin and end
LB324 Sen McCollister Passed Provide additional powers for sanitary and improvement districts and require acknowledgments from purchasers of real estate within sanitary and improvement districts
LB824 Sen McCollister Passed Provide for compensation of certain Nebraska Power Review Board members and for privately developed renewable energy generation facilities and appropriate funds
LR442 Sen McCollister Resolution Recognize February 21-27, 2016, as Engineers Week in Nebraska
LB991 Sen McCollister Indefinitely postponed Redefine crime victim