Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Bolz, 29 in the 106th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB563 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Access College Early Tech Promise Program Act |
LB247 | Sen Bolz | Passed | Adopt the Advance Mental Health Care Directives Act |
LB481 | Sen Bolz | Passed | Adopt the Brain Injury Trust Fund Act and change provisions related to the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund |
LB527 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Customized Job Training Act |
LB328 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Family First Act, provide for non-court-involved response to reports of child abuse or neglect, and provide for a family finding project |
LB420 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act |
LB182 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the School District Local Option Income Surtax Act |
LB43 | Sen Bolz | Passed | Adopt the Sexual Assault Victims' Bill of Rights Act and change certain rules of procedure |
LB1069 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska |
LB1026 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska |
LB329A | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB563A | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB951 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change elements of claims under the Nebraska Claims for Wrongful Conviction and Imprisonment Act |
LB329 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change eligibility provisions for transitional child care assistance under the federal child care subsidy program |
LB332 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change eligibility requirements and other provisions of the Young Adult Bridge to Independence Act |
LB180 | Sen Bolz | Passed | Change program eligibility criteria under the Community College Gap Assistance Program Act |
LB1076 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to eligible programs for the Community College Gap Assistance Program Act |
LB108 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to placement of Department of Correctional Services inmates in county jails |
LB331 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Board of Parole, the Department of Correctional Services, and the Office of Probation Administration |
LB977 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the case management lead agency model pilot project |
LB885 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements for grant applications under the Civic and Community Center Financing Act |
LB564 | Sen Bolz | Passed | Change the Civic and Community Center Financing Act |
LB419 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Nebraska Advantage Act and create a fund and grant program |
LB330 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change the administration, duties, membership, purpose, and reports of the Nebraska Children's Commission |
LR463 | Sen Bolz | Adopted | Congratulate Brent Toalson on his retirement from the Lincoln Public School District |
LR40 | Sen Bolz | Congratulate Matthew Texel on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR299 | Sen Bolz | Congratulate Mitchell Texel on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR269 | Sen Bolz | Congratulate Skyler Peterson for his win at the 2019 Class A state track and field championship | |
LR110 | Sen Bolz | Congratulate and thank Brigadier Wendy K. Johnson for her leadership and service to the state and the country | |
LR19 | Sen Bolz | Congratulate and thank Susanne Blue for twenty years of service to the community | |
LR268 | Sen Bolz | Congratulate the Lincoln Southeast High School girls' tennis team on winning the 2019 Class A state championship | |
LB1025 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Tax Credit Buy-Back Program |
LR62 | Sen Bolz | Extend appreciation to Tom Casady for his 45 year career in public service | |
LR193 | Sen Bolz | Referral | Interim study to assess implementation of the federal Family First Prevention Services Act in Nebraska and identify opportunities for children and families |
LR245 | Sen Bolz | Referral | Interim study to examine advance planning for mental health care, which is distinct from advance planning for end-of-life care |
LR209 | Sen Bolz | Referral | Interim study to examine state and federal funding options for existing and potential research by the University of Nebraska on local, state, and global water management systems |
LR192 | Sen Bolz | Referral | Interim study to examine workforce development initiatives with emphasis on hearing the perspectives of employees across industries |
LR234 | Sen Bolz | Referral | Interim study to track rate increases appropriated for behavioral health providers to ensure that legislative intent is followed and the rate increases are funded |
LB949 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Limit the amount an insured individual pays for prescription insulin drugs |
LB267 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a duty for the county board relating to deficient bridges and authorize a tax levy |
LB1049 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for participation in federal Child Care Subsidy child care assistance as prescribed |
LB241 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for teacher mentoring program grants using income from solar and wind agreements on school lands |
LB904 | Sen Bolz | Withdrawn | Provide for use of the Water Sustainability Fund for sustainable use of water in food production and transfer General Funds |
LB313 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Provide the office of Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System with oversight authority over regional centers |
LR109 | Sen Bolz | Recognize David P. Newell for his leadership and his service to children and families in Nebraska | |
LR324 | Sen Bolz | Recognize Ken Malone for 44 years in education and congratulate him on his retirement | |
LR36 | Sen Bolz | Recognize March 2019 as Social Work Month in Nebraska | |
LB976 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine handicapped or disabled person for purposes of handicapped or disabled parking permits |
LB181 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Require a report from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Appropriations Committee of the Legislature regarding long-term care sustainability |
LB109 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Require the position classification plan and salary or pay plan for state employees to include certain positions |
LB813 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | State intent regarding appropriations for apprenticeships and provide powers for the Department of Labor |
LB1100 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | State intent regarding appropriations for mental health and behavioral health services |
LB174 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to appropriations for the Office of Violence Prevention |
LB327 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | State intent to appropriate funds for an increase in rates paid to behavioral health service providers |
LB565 | Sen Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | State legislative intent relating to a designated beneficiary determination under certain retirement systems |
LR473 | Sen Bolz | Adopted | Thank the Capitol custodial staff and express gratitude for their efforts to keep the Capitol safe during the coronavirus emergency |