Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Tuesday April 02, 2019

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR73 Crawford Resolution Congratulate Brent Apo-Hruska and Johnny Moen on winning a gold medal at the Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi
LR71 Walz Resolution Congratulate the Archbishop Bergan High School volleyball team on winning the 2018 Class D-1 state championship
LR75 Slama Resolution Congratulate the Auburn High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2019 Class C-1 state championship
LR67 Walz Resolution Congratulate the Fremont Archbishop Bergan High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2019 Class D-1 state championship
LR69 Walz Resolution Congratulate the Fremont High School boys' bowling team on winning the 2018 Class A state championship and the North Bend Central High School boys' bowling team on winning the 2018 Class C state championship
LR70 Walz Resolution Congratulate the Fremont High School boys' cross country team on winning the 2018 Class A state championship
LR74 Slama Resolution Congratulate the Johnson-Brock High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2019 Class D-2 state championship
LR76 Williams Resolution Congratulate the Nebraska Enterprise Fund on its 25th anniversary
LR66 Kolterman Referral Interim study to examine the public employees' retirement systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board
LR65 Kolterman Referral Interim study to provide for presentation of reports by all political subdivisions with underfunded defined benefit plans
LR68 Walz Resolution Recognize June 2019 as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Month in Nebraska, and June 27, 2019, as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day in Nebraska
LR72 McDonnell Resolution Recognize the Omaha Equestrian Foundation as an important economic development organization and the Longines FEI World Cup Finals as the world's premier equestrian event