Nebraska Revised Statute 81-8,121

Chapter 81


Land surveying; professional land surveyor; rights and privileges; seal.

The issuance of a license by the examining board shall be evidence that the person named therein is entitled to all rights and privileges of a professional land surveyor and that the recipient thereof is admitted to the practice of land surveying in this state while the license remains unsuspended, unrevoked, or unexpired. The examining board shall provide for each person licensed a seal bearing the licensee's name and the legend Professional Land Surveyor. Plats, reports, and field notes issued by a professional land surveyor may be stamped with his or her seal or a facsimile thereof which is approved by the examining board during the life of his or her license. It shall be unlawful for anyone to stamp or seal any documents with a seal or facsimile thereof after the license of the licensee named thereon has been suspended or revoked or has expired.
